THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, SEpTEmbER 4, 2020 Page 21 HIGH-RISK | FROM PAGE 20 to these communities. The campaign includes: • A new onl ine re - source at StopCOVID19 (Spanish: Mass.Gov/DetenCOVID19) (Portuguese: Mass.Gov/ PareCOVID19) (Additional multilingual online resources will be available soon) • Advertising on billboards, digital and social media • Downloadable materials in multiple languages • Multi-lingual field teams deployed in the communities • Phone and text communications • Outreach to local community groups This new website Mass. gov/StopCOVID19 provides residents and local business owners with information on how to stop the spread, state restrictions on gathering sizes, testing locations and materials that can be printed for display in apartment complexes, restaurants and community areas. The campaign’s advertising will run on hundreds of displays, message boards, signs, billboards and other channels in these top 5 communities through paid partnerships and via stateowned resources, such as at MBTA stations, on MassDOT signs and much more. During Labor Day weekend, the field teams will be active at approximately 15 locations in these top five communities. All aspects of this campaign will expand throughout the fall. In early August, the Administration established CEIT through the COVID-19 Command Center. CEIT is a cross-agency response unit, which includes representatives from the Community Tracing Collaborative, Department of Public Health, Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission, Massachusetts State Police, Department of Labor Standards and other agencies. Since it was launched, this team has worked closely with all higher-risk comHIGH-RISK | SEE PAGE 28 Happy 90th Birthday Marion Matewsky “Ms. Chateau DeVille” “1971 to 1977” Dinner Theater Hostess LEGAL NOTICE EVERETT PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - ZONING AMENDMENT In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 40A, M.G.L. Section 5, the Everett Planning Board will conduct a virtual public hearing on September 14, 2020 at 7:00 PM online to be viewed on YouTube (Link: to consider a proposed Amendment that the Zoning Ordinance be amended by: City of Everett Zoning Ordinance Section 38 of Appendix “A” “Housing Production Conversion Ordinance.” Below is the draft language: Purpose: To provide for the creation of new housing units within existing structures. To promote the public safety and wellbeing of the occupants and neighborhood. To provide zoning and parking incentives to property owners desiring to increase the number of dwelling units within the same structure with no increase to floor area or envelope: In existing structures where there is an increase in the number of dwelling units with no increase to the floor area ration (FAR) or the building envelope; no new parking spaces shall be provided. This exception shall remain in effect for a period of 5 year(s) after ordained. All persons interested or wishing to be heard on the proposal should attend the virtual hearing designated above in accordance to the agenda of the meeting will be located under Planning Board at: As items may be continued to later dates, please contact Shane O’Brien of the Department of Planning & Development at Shane.O’Brien@ci.everett. or 617-944-0236 before attending with any comments, concerns, and/or questions. September 2, 1930 A strong, classy Christian and caring mother and friend! Love from your many friends in Everett Sent to: Abutting Communities, MAPC, & DHDC Frederick Cafasso, Chairman August 28 & September 4, 2020 "yOUR FiNANCiAL FOCUS" Joseph D. Cataldo Masshealth Eligibility Operations Memo 20-16 M assHealth is now using the Social Security Administration (SSA) Life Estate and Remainder Interest Tables to calculate the value of remainder interests and life estates. It no longer is going to use the IRS Book Aleph Life Estate and Remainder Interest Tables which provide for the utilization of the Internal Revenue Code Section 7520 interest rates in effect at the time of valuation.This may very well lead to litigation as virtually all of the elder lawyers in the Mass Chapter of The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys believe MassHealth should not be using the SSA tables. The problem is that the SSA tables use a higher percentage allocable to the life estate than to the remainder interest. In the future, if the home of a MassHealth applicant/member is sold, more of the net sales proceeds will be allocated to the value of the life estate. As a result, the net sales proceeds are once again countable assets in the name of the applicant/member and will have to be spent down on nursing home care. Typically, a parent would be deeding the home to the children reserving a life estate in the deed itself. If all parties agree to sell the house, a calculation would have to be made in order to determine the amount of net sales proceeds allocable to the life tenant/parent and the remainderman/children. As an example, if the applicant/member/life tenant/ parent and the remaindermen/children sold the home and netted $232,000, assuming the parent was 87 years old at the time of sale, MassHealth will calculate the disqualifying transfer as follows: $232,000 x .32262 equals $74,848. If the parent is given back the $74,848, the money would have to be spent on nursing home care as he or she would be over the $2,000 limit. If the money is not given back to the parent, MassHealth will simply use that figure in order to determine the penalty period wherein MassHealth simply will not pay for nursing home coverage for the member/applicant. This is a very high percentage allocated to a life estate for someone 87 years of age. If the Book Aleph table was used, the percentage would drop to 2.146%. In our example, the value of the life estate would then only be $4,979! The disqualifying transfer would only be $4,979. The reason for this is the September, 2020 IRS Section 7520 interest rate is now down to .40 percent. I am hopeful that this issue will be litigated as it is just another example of MassHealth’s continuing attack on the elderly. Joseph D. Cataldo is an estate planning/elder law attorney, Certified Public Accountant, registered investment advisor, AICPA Personal Financial Specialist and holds a masters degree in taxation. City of Everett PLANNING BOARD 484 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149
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