Page 4 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022 RESNEK’S | FROM PAGE 1 sial former psychiatrist Keith Ablow in an email dated April 21, 2020, where he proclaims to be the “major voice in the city of 60,000,” writing, “The mayor hates me. He has tried to put us out of business. Everyone tries (expletive) with me. But they can’t because I fi ght back unlike every other voice in this city that cowers in the face of the mayor’s greed and treachery, bullying and ignorance, sexual harassment and municipal corruption.” Ablow was stripped of his medical license in 2019 by the Mass. Board of Registration in Medicine alleging that he engaged in sexual and unethical misconduct towards his patients. Resnek has admitted in his three depositions that all accusations stated in his stories are false, without merit and fabricated to hurt the mayor’s chances of winning reelection. In a June 11, 2021, email to Anthony Pires, Jr., Resnek states, “Check out the Eye column. Read the editorials. I am Lawrence A. Simeone Jr. Attorney-at-Law ~ Since 1989 ~ * Corporate Litigation * Criminal/Civil * MCAD * Zoning/Land Court * Wetlands Litigation * Workmen’s Compensation * Landlord/Tenant Litigation * Real Estate Law * Construction Litigation * Tax Lein * Personal Injury * Bankruptcy * Wrongful Death * Zoning/Permitting Litigation 300 Broadway, Suite 1, Revere * 781-286-1560 Lsimeonejr@simeonelaw.net a investigative reporter and a character. What fun!” Resnek attached a copy of his recent edition as well. The richest deadbeat in the world But publishing the newspaper wasn’t always on Resnek’s mind when he was reaching out to a conservative book publisher for a potential book deal on the Wynn Casino, submitting a copy of a Nov. 19, 2020, Leader Herald edition to Alfred Regnery, president of Republic Book Publishers. “Alfred, I am sending you this fi le to show you what I do from week to week as a writer in the city of Everett. I would ask you to pay special attention to what I published on page 2 of the fi le, please. Let me know of your interest in the ‘Encore’ manuscript at your convenience.” Republic Book Publishers is known for publishing conservative nonfiction, according to its website. It is no wonder that Resnek’s fi ction didn’t make the cut. Resnek, relentless in his pursuit to be something more than a “speck of dust,” as he called himself in his fi rst deposition, reaches out to Boston Globe Staff Writer Neil Swidey, an author of nonfi ction books. Resnek promotes his book he has sent to Swidey about Chelsea “from 40 years ago.” Resnek has no problem describing his “success” as an author, stating the book had sold 3,000 copies all over the USA, Great Britain, Germany and the Netherlands. “Not exactly a best-seller, but it has caught the interest of the publisher, the owner of Sony,” stated Resnek in his Feb. 6, 2021, email, in order to impress the author. But then the fake newspaper publisher mentions his last edition of “his newspaper” and his stance against “the corrupt municipal government and a corrupt mayor — as corrupt as I covered,” writes Resnek. “He has made an eff ort to put me out of business. This won’t work. I have more money than he does. Be that as it may, I don’t publish the newspaper to make money — I make money to publish the newspaper. Please reads the Blue Suit,” begs Resnek. “Last, a photograph of my study at home which I know you would appreciate.” The bragging phony publisher, proud to announce his new found riches — of Philbin’s pot money — forgot to mention to Swidey that the newspaper has been bleeding money on an annual basis since he took it over in 2017 when Philbin purchased the newspaper. Faker than fiction Again, in March of 2021, Resnek reaches out by email to someone he refers to as a “Hollywood type,” asking the recipient to take delight in his weekly work as he stood up for a real estate developer named Gary DeCicco, claiming to have revealed the “theft purchase” of the Class A casino license by Steve Wynn. Resnek attempts to sell a manuscript that he coEverett Aluminum 10 Everett Ave., Everett 617-389-3839 Owned & operated by the Conti      Years! “Same name, phone number & address for      over half a century. We must be doing something right!”                 www.everettaluminum.com                authored based on the Wynn casino land sale — claiming that the land sale was illegal based on hearsay from DeCicco — his unnamed “source.” Resnek admitted in his depositions that he never had any proof after alluding at the end of his Sept. 11, 2019, article, promising readers of a “fellow I know well has promised to tell in the near future — a bad development for Kickback Carlo.” Resnek admitted he provided no evidence or facts before he wrote the article, including notes or documentary evidence which provided information that would support his allegations — yet here he is attempting to sell a manuscript based on his newspaper articles fi lled with false information. As an enticement, Resnek claims in his email that Wynn’s lawyers have reached out to him demanding to see what he was writing but stood fast against the alleged off er. “I refused,” claimed Resnek in his email. “He asked me if I wanted to sell the manuscript to Steve Wynn. I denied that obviously,” stated Resnek. Resnek tells the Hollywood-type recipient that he has the option to include him and his colleague as “two investigative reporters” sticking up for Gary and creating a fuss with the U.S. Attorney’s offi ce, the State Police and the FBI. “Lots of eyes on it”, claims Resnek, referring to his stories in Philbin’s newspaper. One would have to wonder if the movie manuscript was of the fi ction-fantasy genre. Lyin’ across the Pond Resnek also delves into national politics with a friend in England after sending her a copy of his Oct. 1, 2020, edition, taking great pride in his “Blue Suit” articles and bragging how his column is the “best read and most often commented bit in the city of EvSummer is Here!

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