THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022 Page 5 erett every Wednesday.” Then his email conversation turned to the Presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joseph Biden. Resnek takes great delight in denouncing the liberal left, among others, including his own country. Resnek writes to his pal across the pond, stating: “The debate — well — it wasn’t a debate. The liberal left believing democracy is at stake here are as clearly out of their minds as is the president and his rightwing crew who fail to disavow themselves from white supremacists or the fact we might have a racism problem here. The liberal left would have you believe white supremacists are about to take over the US when in fact there are an estimated 10,000 white supremacists and 360 million Americans. The political, social, economic and moral bankruptcy of our nation is what we are witnessing right now. I think it has always been this way but during this era of proliferating news available 24/7, we tend not believe anything our politicians tell us or promise. It’s all a huge pile of stanking shite. Hope you and the gang are well. My best to Boris Johnson — JR.” Marching orders from the boss Resnek would learn that his inflated ego and reputation might have caught up with him when he attempted to fi le a complaint with law enforcement in a June 2020 email to request an investigation of the donation of three basketball nets to DeMaria by former EHS football coach and current Catholic Memorial High School Head Coach John DiBiaso. In his “complaint,” Resnek claimed the mayor had taken one of the basketball nets and stanchions and placed it in his yard. He then claimed the other two were transported to Lynnfi eld, where they were given to Greg Antonelli, owner of GTA Construction. Resnek claimed they were NBA grade basketball nets made by Under Armour and that the basketball pieces were accepted by the mayor and a close friend as their own. Resnek felt that it was a confl ict of interest for the mayor to take possession of the basketball nets and requested an investigation, “not so much for me,” wrote Resnek, “but for the people of the city of Everett and the children who were supposed to have use of the three basketball pieces.” Like Resnek claimed in the initial email to Matt Philbin, “Let the games begin. Let’s see if anyone cares.” I guess no one at anyplace he contacted cared. Despite Philbin and Resnek’s laughable attempts at gaining attention through their “Blue Suit” columns and despicable fabrications, reality would soon bite them back when they ran an editorial which to their lawyer friends, may have crossed a line, removing the city clerk’s name and the word ”systemic” from the article. In his email to Philbin, Resnek tells his boss, “Sergio’s name has been removed. Systemic has been removed. The editorial has been replaced and whatever else you wanted has been done.” Throughout the many emails and texts between Resnek and Philbin, Boston Globe reporter Estes and numerous recipients, Resnek described himself as the reporter against the corrupt city and its mayor. Without a morsel of truth, he continued his charade as a newspaper reporter as the mayor and his legal team closed in. Leave me out of it One city councillor, Jimmy Tri Le, a realtor by trade, ran an ad in the Leader Herald, but paid Resnek a commission if he sold a home or listing through the newspaper ad. But on Sept. 10, two days after Philbin and Resnek published their incendiary Sept. 8, 2021, article claiming Sergio was extorted by the mayor over the land deal, Tri Le woke up and realized who he was involved with and requested to end the commission deal to Resnek. “I wanted to let you know I have yet to get any phone calls from the ad. I don’t think it works. I do better meeting and talking to people. You can stop putting my real estate ad in your paper and taking up space,” wrote Tri Le. Resnek replied that he heard from a friend that Tri Le had a sale coming up but begged Tri Le to stay and take advantage of his presence in the newspaper. Tri Le questioned Resnek’s assertion for a commission, stating that the sale was due to a referral from Tri Le’s friend Wayne. Resnek replied that it wasn’t about the commission, but, if you can believe it, his (Tri Le’s) “aura” in the community, City Hall and newspaper. Tri Le responded by emailing that he felt that any sale he makes would be a conflict between him and Resnek, and he didn’t want to have to dispute that in the future. Sensing the relationship was going south due to his shenanigans publishing infl ammatory articles about the mayor, Resnek attempted to spins yarn about his reputation, telling Tri Le that, “he’s not Carlo DeMaria” — and that he didn’t go around ripping people off and making false promises; then he attempted to shame Tri Le and his City Council colleagues for not calling out the mayor on his longevity pay. “You have words about being worried about me wanting to steal your commission but not a word about the mayor’s racism, his theft from Sergio, his fraud with the longevity and his mistreatment of women,” cried Resnek. In a truly laughable moment, Resnek stated, “You can’t fi nd a person living or dead who can point to a dispute I had with them about money.” Unless you count the former co-owners at the Independent Newspaper Group, where he had taken a $250,000 payment from a New York vendor for the City of Boston, which was cause for his termination — or his two personal bankruptcies for millions of dollars. Tri Le doesn’t know how lucky he was leaving the sinking ship that is now facing an expanded lawsuit for libel and slander of the mayor. Depositions should be starting up again soon as more questions will be asked from the Fishwrap’s “investigative reporter.” The Everett Advocate will keep you posted.

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