THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 15, 2022 Page 9 ~ Op-Ed ~ Let’s Get On Cycle and Back On Track By Samuel Vasquez Martinez I f you have not been feeling represented by some of our elected officials lately, you are not alone. Scandal after scandal has damaged the trust we had in City government and left us to wonder if our leaders have our best interest at heart. To rebuild this trust and move forward as a City we need to ensure our leaders are responsive to the community. This can happen through our electoral system, but not in the way our system presently operates. Our elections are currently structured to limit accessibility and to make sure that only a small percentage of residents actually vote. Local elections in Everett are held on odd-numbered years, commonly called off-cycle elections, while the better-known and better-attended national elections happen on even-numbered years. For example, in 2021, under 7,300 Everett residents voted in the Mayoral election. However, just the year prior, nearly double the number of voters voted in the 2020 presidential contest, with 14,365 ballots cast. This is not a fluke, but an established pattern. Off-cycle elections are voter suppression, plain and simple. Instead of building obstacles to voter engagement, let’s meet voters where – and when – they are to build a more engaged citizenry. We should consolidate our elections to have national, state, and city elections all on the same ballot. This would ensure that our local leaders face all of Everett’s voters, not just the select group of residents that show up to off-cycle elections. This is also a racial justice issue. Studies show that off-cycle voters tend to be whiter and older, when compared to the voters that show up for even year elections. Eliminating this subtle form of voter suppression is necessary if we want to achieve a representative city government that celebrates all of our diversity. This isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s the fiscally responsible thing to do. Elections are expensive; if we eliminate odd year elections, we save taxpayer dollars and ensure a stronger, more representative democracy. Changing local elections to even years is a small, common sense reform that would ensure higher voter engagement and help Everett build back trust with residents, foster a more representative city government, and save us money to boot! I urge our city council to take up this issue as quickly as possible. Let it be a sign to all residents that you hear the hurt in the community and seek to make a tangible improvement with a lasting impact. The time for empty Suspending state gas tax will not negatively impact bond ratings S &P Global Ratings recently threw cold water on talking points frequently cited by Speaker of the House Ronald Mariano and Senate President Karen Spilka as their reasons for not suspending the state gas tax. State House leaders tried to scare lawmakers during debate on the gas tax suspension that if Massachusetts were to temporarily suspend the gas tax, the state’s bond rating would be thrown into chaos. S&P unequivocally stated the opposite. They declared that “temporary state gas tax suspensions, implemented recently by a few states and under discussion by others, are unlikely to lead to rating changes on highway user tax-supported debt.” In fact, they warned of the dependence on electric vehicles to state bond ratings. S&P said, “A greater risk is the potential long-term threat of reduced gas consumption from electric vehicles.” These remarks are in stark contrast to State House leaders who pronounced the opposite. “Speaker Ron Mariano and Senate President Karen Spilka seemed so concerned with the bond rating when considering a tax suspension, but they don’t have the same concern when raising taxes or borrowing more money for current spending. It’s a good thing that their fears are not based on reality, so State House leaders can now freely consider suspending the state gas tax when debating the annual budget. As more states adopt a gas tax suspension, it would be foolish for our State House leaders to continue to fear monger. At this point, there is nothing preventing Speaker Mariano and President Spilka from adopting a gas tax suspension,” said Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance Spokesperson/Board Member Paul Craney. “It’s worth stressing that the agency did warn against states becoming overly reliant on electric vehicles, as this shift will have a negative impact on the state credit rating. We look forward to hearing from Speaker Mariano and President Spilka on how they plan to use tax dollars collected from the sale of electric vehicles in order to avoid any precarious situations from the bond agencies.” J& • Reliable Mowing Service • Spring & Fall Cleanups • Mulch & Edging • Sod or Seed Lawns • Shrub Planting & Trimming • Water & Sewer Repairs Joe Pierotti, Jr. S LANDSCAPE & MASONRY CO. Masonry - Asphalt • Brick or Block Steps • Brick or Block Walls • Concrete or Brick Paver Patios & Walkways • Brick Re-Pointing • Asphalt Paving www.JandSlandscape-masonry.com • Senior Discount • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured 617-389-1490 Designing and Constructing Ideas that are “Grounds for Success” Landscaping words is over and the time for action is here. Sam grew up in Everett, attended Harvard University and now works in New York State Government. He can be reached at s.vasquez14@ gmail.com. Hall Rentals Available Excellent rates Call 781-324-9570

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