Page 10 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, ApRil 15, 2022 Meet the 2022 Pioneer Charter School of Science Panthers Track & Field Team Pioneer Outdoor Track Team, pictured from left to right: Kneeling: Daniel Taye, Juan Velez, Trey Parrish, Davi Braga and Walter Villanueva; middle row: Ichraq Marbouh, Arianna Amaya, Sophia Santos, Ellen Borges, Gabriella Simeone and Kristina Itani; back row: Meheley Durand. Alexandra Lopez, Doha Marbouh, Romayssae Jellouli, Manuelle Trinidad and Marwa Yeznasni. Pioneer Everett Charter School of Science Panthers, pictured from left to right: Front row: Davi Braga and Capt. Trey Parrish; back row: Daniel Taye, Walter Villanueva and Juan Velez. Pioneer Everett Charter School of Science Lady Panthers, pictured from left to right: Back row: Meheley Durand, Ichraq Marbouh, Arianna Amaya, Doha Marbouh, Romayssae Jellouli, Alicia Rosa, Manuella Trinadade, Marwa Yeznasni and Team Manager Zuzu Hassan. Not present: Team Co-Manager Maryam Hassan. Revere students, pictured from left to right: Back row: Juan Velez, Romayssae Jellouli, Alexandra Lopez, Ichraq Marbouh, Doha Marbouh, Walter Villanueva and Daniel Taye; front row: Kristina Itani, Manuelle Trinadade, Alicia Rosa, Gabriella Simeone and Davi Braga. Everett students, pictured from left to right: Meheley Durand, Arianna Amaya, Sophia Santos and Trey Parrish during Monday’s practice at Pioneer Charter School of Science. Pioneers Head Coach Eric Ferguson and seniors Alicia Rosa and Romayssae Jellouli. (Advocate photos by Tara Vocino) Pioneers Head Coach Eric Ferguson and Captains Trey Parrish, Sophia Santos, Alicia Rosa and Romayssae Jellouli Saugus student Ellen Borges is shown with Swampscott resident Marwa Yeznasni.

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