THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MARCH 10, 2023 Page 9 Wreaths Across America Honors and Teaches About Woman of History Gold-Star Mother and professional educator, Cindy Tatum, shares a free TEACH program curriculum with our nation’s teachers C OLUMBIA FALLS, ME — March 7, 2023 — Women are remarkable individuals who have shaped history, controlled destinies, and sustained humanity. Whether behind the scenes or in front of the podium, women can be a source of strength and inspiration. Since the dawn of time, mothers, sisters, daughters, and wives have conquered fear, pain, injustice, and uncertainty on their paths to service and success. That is certainly true of women who have chosen uniformed service to our nation. With heartfelt gratitude, Wreaths Across America pays tribute to the women of our history and honors those who continue to blaze trails into the future. We’ll share the stories of their remarkable contributions to their communities and our nation during the month of March, Women in History Month. Women’s History Month is the perfect time to visit the Wreaths Across America TEACH curriculum for students in grades K-12. Amelia Earhart, the fi rst woman to fl y solo across the Atlantic, was also a nurse’s aide in Canada during World War I. “Lady Lindy,” as she was named, opened the skies to women worldwide. Dr. Mary Edwards Walker shaped history during the Civil War. She was ridiculed most of her life for not conforming to the woman’s wardrobe standards of the day, preferring men’s clothing for comfort instead. Dr. Walker remains the only female Medal of Honor recipient. Yet another historical figure to whom women owe a great deal is Susan B. Anthony, a champion for women’s rights, more specifi cally, the right to vote. History lessons abound with intriguing stories of service and success by women who were soldiers or healers, spies or confi dants, rulers or attendants. You can learn about these extraordinary women and so much more in the Wreaths Across America TEACH curriculum produced by lifelong educator, Cindy Tatum. Cindy retired in 2020 after twenty-six years as a Government and Economics High School teacher in Tennessee. As an American Gold Star Mother, Cindy is passionate about developing lesson plans that build character, develop respect, and provide a blueprint for community service. The lesson plans adhere to the National Council on Social Studies and state Common Core standards. The lesson plan downloads are free of charge and developed in partnership with other like-minded organizations, such as the American Rosie Movement™ (ARM). Rosie the Riveters, as they have come to be known, who were also ordinary women who stepped up to serve in and under extraordinary circumstances to help their nation. Cindy is available to help your community by off ering BBB Tip: National Consumer Protection Week has tips to help you fi ght crooks W orried about getting taken in by the latest scam? Concerned about the possibility that your ID could be stolen, and you suddenly fi nd yourself saddled with thousands of dollars of surprise bills? This week (March 5-11) could bring you some peace of mind. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is partnering with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to promote National Consumer Protection Week. The week is devoted to informing consumers of their rights and educating the public about scam and ID theft prevention. You might have rights as a consumer you did not realize you had – rights that could make all the diff erence in today’s rough-and-tumble, internet-based fi nancial landscape. Check out ftc.gov for a list of upcoming online events designed to give you the information you need to stay safe. BBB TIP | SEE PAGE 19 For Advertising with Results, call The Advocate Newspapers at 617-387-2200 or Info@advocatenews.net free educational seminars. You can learn more about the Wreaths Across America TEACH program or download your free teaching curriculums at https://learn.wreathsacrossamerica.org/teach. Also, more Women of note will be featured on Mission Matters on Wreaths Across America Radio every Wednesday at 10 AM and again at 7 PM (Eastern). You can listen to Wreaths Across America Radio’s 24/7 internet stream anytime and anywhere on the iHeart Radio app, Audacy app, TuneIn app, or at www. wreathsacrossamerica.org/radio

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