Page 10 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, MARCH 10, 2023 Mayor participates in Read Across America Day with the Everett Public Schools Mayor Carlo DeMaria alongside New England Patriots’ Center David Andrews. Mayor DeMaria alongside Christina DiCecca and her second-grade class. Mayor Carlo DeMaria read to Hailey Armstrong and Molly Goodhue’s Kindergarten class. Special to The Advocate M Mayor Carlo DeMaria alongside Hailey Armstrong and Molly Goodhue’s Kindergarten class. ayor Carlo DeMaria recently participated in Read Across America Day with the Everett Public Schools by reading to students at the Madeline English School and Lafayette School. The Mayor had the privilege to read “The Cat in the Hat” to Christina DiCecca’s 2nd grade class at the Madeline English School. READ ACROSS | SEE PAGE 20 Mayor Carlo DeMaria alongside Madeline English School Principal Theresa Tringale and the Madeline English Youth Council.

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