Page 2 THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JAnuARy 3, 2025 Linkage Fee program will bring real affordable housing to Everett By Neil Zolot he Aff ordable Housing Linkage Fee program currently has $600,000 in its accounts with $1.2 million or more expected in the next year or two, said City Planning & Development Dept. Director Matt Lattanzi to the City Council at their Monday night meeting on December 9. T “We anticipate a greater amount coming in as projects come online or payment schedules come into eff ect,” he explained. “We allow developments to have revenue come in before making additional payments.” Lattanzi called the Linkage Fee program “a great tool for the preservation, deepening and creation of aff ordable housing thanks to private dollars from private developers. Any project that comes before the City for approval would fall under the applicability of linkage.” For residential developments, developers pay $1,000 per unit. For nonresidential development, developers pay $2 per square foot for developments of 15,00030,000 square feet; $3 per square RON’S OIL Call For PRICE MELROSE, MA 02176 NEW CUSTOMER’S WELCOME ACCEPTING VISA, MASTERCARD & DISCOVER (781) 397-1930 OR (781) 662-8884 100 GALLON MINIMUM Need a hall for your special event? The Schiavo Club, located at 71 Tileston Street, Everett is available for your Birthdays, Anniversaries, Sweet 16 parties and more? For more info, call (857) 249-7882 foot for developments of 31,00060,000 square feet and $4 per square foot for those larger. Developments under 15,000 square feet are exempt. Lattanzi touted 25 Garvey Street as a good example. It will be a 125-unit, family-oriented building, which he described as “deeply aff ordable,” with 2–3-bedroom units, as opposed to the studio and single-bedroom developments designed for singles or childless couples. It is in the Commercial Triangle Economic Development District, one of PARKING | FROM PAGE 1 After a resident has successfully submitted an online application, they will receive a confi rmation email. Once the resident’s information is verifi ed, they will receive an additional email to confi rm that the order has been successfully processed. The parking sticker will then be mailed to the resident. Residents may apply for up to four stickers per online application. Information required to complete the application includes: • Full name • Address • Phone number • Email address • License plate number • Name that appears on the registration Resident stickers for 2025 must be obtained and displayed on the vehicle before March 1. As a courtesy, from January 2 to February 28, stickers may be three districts in the area south of Revere Beach Parkway and east of Lower Broadway, along the Mystic River, the other two being the Docklands Innovation District and Lower Broadway Economic Development District. 25 Garvey is part of the City’s plan to “provide not just aff ordable housing, but actual aff ordable housing,” Lattanzi said. “We often hear the term aff ordable housing but it’s often not aff ordable,” referring to aff ordable rents in the local Area Median Income (AMI) area being based on peoobtained for free. The $10 fee per sticker will be reinstated on March 1. Please be advised that in order for a resident sticker to be approved, the vehicle must be registered to the City of Everett and be in good standing. A sticker will not be issued if the vehicle has overdue parking tickets or unpaid excise tax. For residents applying for a fi rst-time sticker or those with new plates or vehicles, please visit City Hall, Room 13, to apply. Please bring your vehicle’s registration and proof of address, such as a driver’s license or current utility bill, to obtain a parking sticker. Please note that residents of the Lower Broadway area must visit City Hall, Room 13, in order to renew their Lower Broadway sticker and visitor placard. Please bring your registration and proof of Lower Broadway area address, such as a driver’s ple theoretically earning incomes higher than they really are in Everett. Deeply aff ordable would be rents that do. Everett is in an AMI area that includes similar municipalities like Malden and Medford, but the incomes are skewed by the much more affl uent municipalities in it like Cambridge, Lexington, Newton, North Reading and Winchester. Due to this large, heavily affl uent area that Everett falls in, the median income for a famLINKAGE FEE | SEE PAGE 8 license, current utility bill or last year’s visitor placard, to renew. Commercial vehicles must bring their registration and vehicle to City Hall and pass an inspection to obtain a resident sticker. The vehicle must weigh under 10,000 pounds and have no more than four wheels to obtain the sticker. Box trucks are not allowed to obtain a resident sticker. The cost of the sticker will be $300. The City will allow one-day visitor passes to be obtained at $5 per pass. Also, you can obtain up to four 10-day parking placards per plate per year for $25 per placard. To qualify, you must provide a valid registration and proof of the Everett address (current utility bill or current lease). The online Resident Parking Sticker Program application can be found at epay.cityhallsystems. com. For questions regarding PARKING | SEE PAGE 5 — Vinyl Siding — Carpentry Work — Decks — Roofing — Free Estimates — Replacement Windows — Fully Licensed — Fully Insured
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