THE EVERETT ADVOCATE – FRiDAy, JAnuARy 3, 2025 Page 3 Sounds of Everett A ~ Guest Commentary ~ Jimmy Carter: A Man of Faith By Dr. Gary Scott Smith SAD ENDING OF EVERETT’S OLDEST NEWSPAPER: A newspaper is a refl ection of the community it publishes in – whether it’s the Boston Herald or The Everett Advocate. For centuries, the populace has counted on its local newspaper for news of its local and state government, opinions and editorials from its local leaders, sports results from its local youth sports leagues, middle and high school teams, to social and charitable organizations that echo the heart and soul of its residents. But, in a rare occurrence, we witness the ugly demise of a local newspaper, albeit the oldest of our local newspapers, The Everett Leader Herald offi ce on Church St. is now closed. SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 7 A s Americans mourn the death of the nation’s oldest ex-president and celebrate his life, they will disagree about the eff ectiveness of his presidency and the impact of many of his policies. One fact, however, is undisputable: Jimmy Carter’s robust Christian faith guided his life and helped direct his approach to politics. He was one of the nation’s most religiously devout chief executives. Carter’s faith was deeply meaningful and profoundly motivating and powerfully impacted his presidency. As a child and youth, Carter regularly attended a Southern Baptist church in Plains, Georgia. At age eleven, he publicly professed his faith in Jesus Christ as his savior and Lord, was baptized, and joined the church. His mother Lillian also signifi cantly infl uenced his faith during his formative years. Carter was ordained as a deacon at age thirty-three and served as an usher, led prayers, and preached sermons at his home church. Nevertheless, his failure to win the Democratic nomination for governor of Georgia in 1966 prompted Carter to reassess his faith. Deeply moved by a sermon titled “If You Were Arrested for Being a Christian, Would There Be Enough Evidence to Convict You?” and conversations with his sister, evangelist Ruth CarCOMMENTARY | SEE PAGE 9 SABATINO/MASTROCOLA INSURANCE AGENCY 519 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149 Auto * Home * Boat * Renter * Condo * Life * Multi-Policy Discounts * Commercial 10% Discounts * Registry Service Also Available Sabatino Insurance is proud to welcome the loyal customers of ALWAYS READY TO SERVE YOU: Our Staff are, Emma Davidson, Jeimy Sanchez, Josephine Leone, Marie D’Amore, Rocco Longo, Z’andre Lopez, Anthony DiPierro, Darius Goudreau, Laurette Murphy, Danielle Goudreau and Tina Davidson. PHONE: (617) 387-7466 FAX: (617) 381-9186 Visit us online at: WWW.SABATINO-INS.COM
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