NOZZLES Nozzles - Spraying Systems “QC” or Quick Connect Hardened Stainless Meg Nozzle, fits most 1/4" quick couplers. Rated for 4000 PSI. ! 4000 PSI ! Flow-rated tolerance of ±2% ! Hardened stainless-steel Orifice 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 0° P/N Red 8.708-417.0 8.708-422.0 8.708-427.0 8.708-431.0 8.708-435.0 8.708-439.0 8.708-443.0 8.708-447.0 8.708-451.0 8.708-455.0 8.708-459.0 – 8.708-467.0 8.708-471.0 Old P/N 255120 15° P/N Yellow ! 300°F ! Fits Hansen and Parker quick-couplers Old P/N 8.708-418.0 4-12803015S 4-12803500S 8.708-423.0 4-12803515S 255160 255175 255195 255215 255235 255255 255275 255300 255320 – 255380 255420 8.708-428.0 255161 8.708-432.0 255180 8.708-436.0 255200 8.708-440.0 255220 8.708-444.0 255240 8.708-448.0 255260 8.708-452.0 255280 8.708-456.0 255305 8.708-460.0 255325 8.708-463.0 255365 8.708-468.0 255385 8.708-472.0 255425 25° P/N Green Old P/N 8.708-419.0 255140 8.708-424.0 4-12803525S 8.708-429.0 255165 8.708-433.0 255185 8.708-437.0 255205 8.708-441.0 255225 8.708-445.0 255245 8.708-449.0 255265 8.708-453.0 255285 8.708-457.0 255310 8.708-461.0 255330 8.708-464.0 255370 8.708-469.0 255390 – – QC “Wash Jet” Nozzle with Colorcoded Nozzle Protector 40° P/N White Old P/N 8.708-420.0 4-12803040S 8.708-425.0 4-12803540S 8.708-430.0 255170 8.708-434.0 255190 8.708-438.0 255210 8.708-442.0 255230 8.708-446.0 255250 8.708-450.0 255270 8.708-454.0 255290 8.708-458.0 255315 8.708-462.0 255335 8.708-465.0 255375 8.708-470.0 255395 8.708-474.0 255435 Nozzles for Low-Pressure Applications, Brass 1/4" male pipe thread Vee Jet nozzles, brass inexpensive alter-tive for applications up to 500 PSI. ! Feather edge for wide coverage ! Allows overlap for even application Nozzle Size 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 0° P/N 8.708-203.0 8.708-218.0 8.708-242.0 8.708-258.0 8.708-275.0 8.708-289.0 8.708-302.0 Old P/N 254260B 254270B 254290B 254300B 254310B 254320B 254330B 15° P/N ! Excellent for low-pressure chemical and acid applications ! 1/4" MPT connects Old P/N 25° P/N Old P/N 8.708-204.0 254261B 8.708-206.0 254262B 8.708-222.0 254271B 8.708-225.0 254272B 8.708-244.0 254291B 8.708-246.0 254292B 8.708-260.0 254301B 8.708-262.0 254302B 8.708-277.0 254311B 8.708-279.0 254312B 8.708-290.0 254321B 8.708-292.0 254322B 40° P/N Old P/N 8.708-208.0 254264B 8.708-228.0 254274B 8.708-249.0 254294B 8.708-264.0 254304B 8.708-280.0 254314B 8.708-294.0 254324B 50° P/N Old P/N 8.708-210.0 254265B 8.708-230.0 254275B 8.708-251.0 254295B 8.708-266.0 254305B 8.708-282.0 254315B 8.708-296.0 254325B 1/4" Male Threads 65° P/N Old P/N 8.708-212.0 254266B 8.708-232.0 254276B 8.708-253.0 254296B 8.708-268.0 254306B 8.708-284.0 254316B 8.708-297.0 254326B 8.708-304.0 254331B 8.708-306.0 254332B 8.708-308.0 254334B 8.708-309.0 254335B 8.708-310.0 254336B Nozzles - Broad Spray Stainless-Steel 1/4" male pipe thread 303 stainless-steel Vee Jet nozzles, low- to medium-volume up to 500 PSI medium-pres sure/special application PSI. Nozzle Size 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Orifice Dia .026 .031 .036 .043 .047 .053 .058 .063 .067 50° P/N 8.708-074.0 8.708-085.0 8.708-095.0 8.708-108.0 8.708-121.0 8.708-133.0 8.708-148.0 – 8.708-172.0 Old P/N 254105 254115 254125 254135 254145 254155 254175 254195 254215 65° P/N Old P/N 8.708-075.0 254106 8.708-086.0 254116 8.708-096.0 254126 8.708-109.0 254136 8.708-122.0 254146 8.708-134.0 254156 8.708-149.0 254176 8.708-163.0 254196 8.708-173.0 254216 80° P/N Old P/N 8.708-076.0 254107 8.708-087.0 254117 8.708-097.0 254127 8.708-110.0 254137 8.708-123.0 254147 8.708-136.0 254157 8.708-151.0 254177 254197 1/4" Male Threads 95° P/N Old 8.708-078.0 254108 8.708-089.0 254118 8.708-099.0 254128 8.708-112.0 254138 8.708-125.0 254148 8.708-138.0 254158 8.708-155.0 254178 – 8.708-175.0 254217 – – 8.708-177.0 254218 110° P/N Old P/N 8.708-079.0 254109 8.708-090.0 254119 8.708-101.0 254129 8.708-114.0 254139 8.708-127.0 254149 8.708-140.0 254159 8.708-157.0 254179 – 8.708-179.0 254219 Page 82
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