Pastor Zeke Cont. Page 2 Pastor Zeke Continued refurbished bathrooms in both main buildings; new roof, new blinds in the Fellowship Hall, Win One Class, Children’s Class, and Gleaners Class; new carpet, paint and blinds in the pastor’s office; and all the carpet cleaned throughout the church. One of my greatest regrets is that I was not able to lead in a way that saw Wesley grow in numbers and members. However, I celebrate what I believe is considerable spiritual growth within the people of Wesley. I have seen roots of faith deepen within the folks of Wesley as we have sought to better understand who we are in light of God and who we are to be in this world. I delight in the diversity of belief and theological views within the church family. I believe we are a good cross-section of faith within our denomination and that is to be celebrated. So for all of these things, I am incredibly thankful. Thank you for the privilege of being your pastor these past four years. Know as I leave later this month and prepare for my next charge that my heart is both full and empty- full of gratitude and love from each of you and empty knowing I have to say goodbye to so many people I have grown to love and adore. I will be in prayer for Wesley and for Jana Green as she leads you. Whatever the future holds, I ask you to please, now and always, keep the faith strong. -Zeke Cavanaugh Elementary School presented Zeke with this wonderful appreciation award for his ministerial contributions to the students at Cavanaugh Elementary over the past 4 years. Wesley UMC Newsletter June 2022
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