David Welch mvy.com/stay Places to Stay Aquinnah Duck Inn 10 Duck Pond Way 508-645-9018 gayheadrealty@hotmail.com duckinnonmv.com Year Round. 5 Rooms. Groups accepted. Walk to beach, hot tub, fireplace, private baths, meeting / wedding capacity, water views. Places to Stay Chilmark The Beach Plum Inn 50 Beach Plum Lane 508-645-9454 beachpluminn.com May-Oct. 11 Rooms. Phones, air cond, internet, meeting/wedding capacity (100), private bath, restaurant, tennis, TV, water view. ADA. Pet friendly. The Captain Flanders House 440 North Road 508-645-3123 mail@captainflandersinn.com captainflandersinn.com May-Nov. B&B farmhouse with 2 cottage suites. Beach pass to Lucy Vincent, convenient to Menemsha. Rural setting with flower gardens, stone walls. Breakfast. 34 Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce Menemsha Inn & Cottages 12 Menemsha Inn Rd 508-645-2521 Fax: 508-645-9500 thefrontdesk@innsatmenemsha.com menemshainn.com May-October Quiet simplicity and unspoiled views offering visitors an authentic Vineyard experience with a variety of ocean-view rooms & quaint 1950s style seascape cottages. Pet friendly. Places to Stay Edgartown Ashley Inn 129 Main Street 508-627-9655 relax@ashleyinn.net ashleyinn.net Year round. 10 Rooms. 1860 Whaling Captain’s home; walk to Edgartown harbor, phone, air cond, fireplace, internet, private bath, TV. AAA NNN The Charlotte Inn 27 South Summer Street 508-627-4751 Fax: 508-627-4652 frontdesk@thecharlotteinn.com thecharlotteinn.com Year round. 25 rooms. Rooms furnished with English antiques in quiet garden setting one half block from Main St. “Old fashioned on purpose.” Air Cond., private bath, fireplace, restaurant, internet, TV. continued
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