<< BACK TO CONTENTS Summary of environmental water delivery 2016–17 Northern Region continued Loddon system Northern Region total TOTAL WATER USE 1. 2. Loddon River and Tullaroop Creek Serpentine Creek Pyramid Creek VEWH (ML) 11,830 373 924 246,147 308,210 Other source refers to water that was not accounted for under the environmental water holdings. The VEWH’s environmental entitlements in the lower Latrobe and lower Barwon systems allow the diversion of water from the lower Latrobe and Barwon rivers into the wetlands at any time when specific river heights are met. The entitlements do not consist of a set volume and the volume of water diverted into the wetlands is not measured. 3. Environmental water deliveries to the Snowy River are managed by the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries using water made available by Victoria and New South Wales. 4. In 2016–17, water allocations copurchased by Melbourne Water and the VEWH contributed to the delivery of 304 ML of environmental water to meet environmental objectives in upper Jackson Creek in the Maribyrnong system, where no permanent environmental water holdings are currently held. 5. Water delivered to the Werribee River included 896.4 ML of allocation made available for use by Melbourne Water. Delivery to these systems included some reuse of return flows. 6. 7. Environmental water use in the River Murray includes releases from Lake Hume, Lake Victoria (via the Rufus River) and Menindee Lakes (via the lower Darling River). This water was delivered to non-Victorian sites. 8. Environmental watering at wetlands associated with lock 15 was facilitated through the manipulation of River Murray lock 15. There was no environmental water use attributed to this management in 2016–17. 9. Environmental watering in Lindsay River, Mullaroo Creek and Potterwalkagee Creek was facilitated through the manipulation of River Murray locks 7 and 8. There was no environmental water use attributed to this management in 2016–17. MDBA (ML) - - - 33,676 33,676 CEWH (ML) 1,582 96 - 364,584 364,584 Other (ML)1 Total (ML) - - - - 132,300 13,412 469 924 644,407 838,770 91 | Victorian Environmental Water Holder
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