DISCOVER “E” DAY OUTREACH PROGRAMMING Despite February’s unusual appearance of the sun, National Engineers Discover “E” Day drew 372 children and families to the museum for engineering learning experiments. Participants engaged in nine different hands-on activities, such as spectroscopes, catapults, and Cartesian divers. Activity stations were staffed by Naval Reserve personnel, civilian volunteers from the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport, and museum volunteers. Discover “E” Day continues to be a highly successful annual event for num. SUMMER STEAM In late June we shifted gears towards Summer steam, a series of educational initiatives based in science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics. With families working together to solve challenges and explore new concepts, Summer steam supports education and slows “brain drain” between one grade level and the next. 1,000 visitors engaged with the program over ten weeks in 2015. Education staff participated in several off-site educational programs in 2015. These programs included hosting a booth at the annual Bremerton stem Showcase and the Regional History Day competition, participating as judges at a regional science fair, and representing the museum at community events like the Keyport Fest and Bremerton Veteran’s Day program. DSRV DAY In October we celebrated a year since we received dsrv Mystic by staging a full day of dsrv activities. Former dsrv pilot cdr Dick Taylor, usn (ret.) regaled a crowd with stories of his time as Officer-in-Charge of dsrv Avalon, our education department hosted dsrv-themed learning activities, and we displayed never-before-exhibited dsrv artifacts. www.navalunderseamuseum.org

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