signer.” His puzzle game, Connect (Fig. 2), was inspired by the need for toys that were educational as well as exciting. He took the time to get to know his users, testing his puzzle game idea with a friend’s child, and listening to their feedback (Rawsthorn). The result was a game that consisted of 140 cards, each containing a combination of black, red, and blue lines (Fig. 3). Players took turns laying down cards in order to “connect” fully with the line combination from the preceding card. Players held at least 10 cards in hand, picking up a new one after each turn. If a player could not connect any of the cards in hand to cards already laid out, they were still required to pick up a new card. When the pile of 140 was exhausted, the first player to lay down and properly connect all of their cards was declared the winner. Garland’s design made Fig 2. Connect, Galt Toys, 1969, Ken Garland Fig 3. First Things First, 1964, Ken Garland. 88

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