of these organisations is mainly driven by common interests of stakeholders along specific sea basins, such as the Baltic. Such development seems likely to expand even more in the future, as the forerunning projects were very successful in their integrative approaches. Only recently, new forms of networks appeared, were installed or formed (SUBMARINER network, BioMarine) as well as Europe-wide associations of academic stakeholders were re-established (European Society for Marine Biotechnology), indicating rising activity and need for networking within the stakeholder community. Seven regional initiatives and networks have been identified in Europe, three of which have international networks; a summary of these is presented in Table 3.13below. Table 3.12 Regional initiatives and networks in Europe Initiative / Network Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM) SUBMARINER: Sustainable Uses of Baltic Marine Resources Baltic Sea Region ScanBalt® fmba European Society for Marine Biotechnology BioMarine BioMarine International Clusters Association Region Mediterranean Baltic Sea Region Baltic Sea Region Baltic Sea Region European with international network International network International network For countries with a federal structure, there appears to be strong engagement to support marine biotech research at the regional level (depending on the available human and infrastructure capacity or potential), because it is seen a key area for new opportunities for sustainable economic growth at local and regional levels. Installing regional bio-innovation and marine/maritime clusters is a strategy employed by several regional governments with relative good results (see Table 3.13). Some countries focussed on the installation of platforms for certain technologies or applications, reflecting on the need for technological integration. In general, the number of clusters is still small compared to the potential regions that could use marine biotech as a motor for regional development. Table 3.13 Clusters and other national networks Country Initiative / cluster France ALLENVI Groupe Mer Biogenouest CapBiotek - Regional Cluster in Biotechnologies in Brittany Atlanpole Blue Cluster - Regional Cluster in Biotechnologies in Pays de la Loire Pole Mer Bretagne - Global economic competitiveness cluster in Brittany Pole Mer PACA - Global economic competitiveness cluster in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Europole Mer “Blue Network” - an informal coordination structure with about 20 members with one of the focal areas (Axe 1) on marine genomics and blue chemistry (related to biotech) Description Association Platform Regional clusters Regional clusters Regional clusters Regional clusters Regional clusters Study in support of Impact Assessment work on Blue Biotechnology 45
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