Barriers to Blue Biotechnology er/bottleneck Problems identified in desk based research A platform oriented connection of infrastructures is still lacking and only few centres of excellence have been initiated Fragmented approach to marine biotechnology research, infrastructures and effort in Europe Lack of coordination between academic and industry partners at the EU level and a lack of common projects. Low investment in R&D especially in industry sectors viewed subjectively as unalluring in comparison to pharmaceuticals industry. Access to finance is problematic as few investors are keen to take risks in new technological developments Lack of investment in SMEs, SMEs assume risk and often run out of funds before product development is complete Problems identified by stakeholders (public consultation and stakeholder workshop) Collaboration is the real issue. Collaboration between industry, research, SMEs and investors is lacking. Ties in with the need for finance interface and platform. Mapping of marine biotechnology activities is lacking – this would inform where collaboration is most needed. Communication and knowledge sharing is lacking Lack of collaboration including between academic and industrial partners / difficulty in finding partners for collaboration Lack of platform to bring investors and SMEs/projects together Lack of interface between investment, industry and research Issues with finance relate to Blue Biotechnology being an ‘invisible sector’, the sector is not well understood by investors due to lack of expertise, understanding and time to explore possibilities. Investors need more predictability and certainty in the product and market General lack of funding Lack of basic research into ecology of marine species and organisms from unusual and extreme environments decreases chances of finding novel bioactive compounds. Limited understanding of physiology and ecology of marine species Knowledge of Blue Biotechnology sector and its activities is lacking, who is doing what? Knowledge and understanding of Blue Biotechnology in arena outside of Blue Biotechnology is lack, may be deterring investors. Facilitation of knowledge sharing is needed. Limited number of marine model organisms Lack of knowledge (by traditional biotechnology players) about the potential of Study in support of Impact Assessment work on Blue Biotechnology 35
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