Country Denmark Organisation Technical University of Denmark First Name Torger Surname Børresen EU EU EU EU France Germany Germany Germany Ireland Ireland Ireland Malta Norway Portugal Spain Spain Spain Spain The Netherlands UK UK UK UK BioBridge Ltd UK MRAG MRAG MRAG Meredith Ian Hannah Robert Lloyd-Evans Payne Norbury Arthur BioMarine international Clusters Association European Commission - DG Research European Commission - DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries European Commission - DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) Norgenta GmbH, North German Life Science Agency S.Pro – sustainable projects GmbH S.Pro – sustainable projects GmbH National University of Ireland, Galway AquaTT Marine Institute AQUABIOTECH GROUP RCN (Research Council Norway) CCMAR, Universidade do Algarve PharmaMar ZELTIA, S.A. CETMAR- Marine Technological Center AIMPLAS ECN Pierre Garbiñe Juan Petra Jean-François Julia Angela Antje Ilaria Gillian Dermot George Steinar Deborah M Fernando Elena Silvia Marti Ferrer André Erwes Guiu Ronco Sarapatkova Masset Brilling Schultz-Zehden Labes Nardello Marmelstein Hurst D.Mantas Bergseth Power de la Calle García Villaescusa Torres-López Ferran Wortel 190 Study in support of Impact Assessment work on Blue Biotechnology
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