Website ational partnership with a regional focus which supports a network of ne researchers who work towards better understanding, monitoring and anean Sea using the latest scientific tools. It promotes communication among marine scientists engaged in research on the Mediterranean and mittee on Marine Microbiology and Biotechnology whose areas of focus ersity of marine prokaryotes (Archaea and Bacteria); viruses and hetero - (i.e., phytoplankton); microbial food web interactions; microbial e, has a research programme in Marine Economics Research Program SM which encompasses marine genetic resources and has produced a conomic models of bioprospecting. ject has built the road for furthering environmentally friendly and g innovative uses of marine resources within the Baltic Sea Region, thus aim to become a model region for sustainable sea management. It has uction of a Compendium, development of a Roadmap, the implementation nt activities and the building of a network of public and private actors. ses Blue Biotechnology as a major use of marine resources in the Baltic framework of the SUBMARINER project Norgenta, the life science d Schleswig-Holstein, developed a masterplan for marine biotechnology http://www.submariner -project.eu/ http://www.ciesm.org/ work on Blue Biotechnology

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