Name Partners The Knowledge Based BioEconomy Network (KBBENET) EU Member States and associated countries to FP7. General Description The main role of the KBBE-NET is to support t coordinated approach for the development and Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE). It ac (SCAR). KBBE-NET objectives are: strategic d Research Agenda (FP7 and beyond) which sh exchange of information between Member Sta including international cooperation and cooper programmes, common infrastructures, and tra European Research Area Network (ERA-NET) Promote and coordinate collaboration between administrators (e.g., project sponsors) in strate CSA MarineBiotech project has been working of the ERA-NET in marine biotechnology is to biotechnology to counteract the fragmentation SEAS-ERA initiative is to coordinate the nation research. This initiative thus also affects the de “ERA Industrial Biotechnology 2: Towards an E to coordinate national and regional funding pro competitiveness in this field. In this context, th a network on relevant national and regional pr are important measures. ERASysBio initiative focuses on establishing a ecosystems. ERA-NET EuroTransBio. This initiative suppor and thus also the field of marine biotechnology Study in support of Impact Assessment work on Blue Biotechnology
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