Annex 12: EU and regional initiatives and networks Table 0.34 EU initiatives and networks Name EU Joint Programming Initiative Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans (JPI-OCEANS) Partners JPI Oceans covers all European sea basins with 19 participating countries General Description JPI-OCEANS is a regional co-ordinated appro co-creation of knowledge. Its aim is to increase Union in order to avoid fragmentation and unn different types of co-operation to meet policy o It focuses on the development of new bioactive biofuel from marine algae; screening of marine environment; and mitigation of human and clim European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) 13 partners and 7 associate partners It brings 12 leading marine stations and EMBL animals) with the latest technologies to study o techniques to the scientific community at large EMBRC aims at delivering services to the mar marine model organisms to investigate fundam *Provide access to European coastal marine b *Provide an integrated supply of marine mode *Offer state-of-the-art research services, *Disseminate knowledge to stakeholders and t *Offer interdisciplinary training in marine biolog *Promote synergies among End-Users (acade CSA MarineBiotech 11 partners from 9 European countries. Part of FP7. Introduction of concrete steps for increasing th in order to create synergistic effects in the dev project is to lay the foundations for the ERA-N European research area in the field of marine 180 Study in support of Impact Assessment w

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