Country Number Name(s) of marine data providers Data Type: M=Marine O=Oceanographic, F=Fisheries Data, Ma=Maritime Flemish Marine Data and Information Centre (FMDC) - VLIZ UK Ireland 1 1 NERC/BODC (also : NEODC for earth obs. data and BADC for atmospheric data) Maritime Institute (MI) (incl. 5 data banks) IFREMER-SISMER (incl. 10 data banks) France 8 IFREMER-CORIOLIS SHOM CLS MERCATOR BRGM CDG/CNRS ACRI-ST IEO UTM-CSIC Spain 5 UB IGME STARLAB Portugal 1 IH (incl. 7 data banks) OGS Italy 9 ENEA INGV O M O O O O M O O O O O O Study in support of Impact Assessment work on Blue Biotechnology 167

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