Networks of excellence (NoEs) were established in Europe under the EC’s FP6 and have been further developed under FP7 in order to integrate scientific communities and infrastructures needed to conduct interdisciplinary research into issues key to marine biotechnology such marine biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and marine biology genomics. Several specific research infrastructure initiatives have been implemented and tackle issues such as access to marine resources, access to and use of research vessels and fleets, coordination of research facilities, and the development of new tools. Databases are crucial aspects of marine biotechnology applications in industry. Two such databases are the World Register of Marine Species (WORMS)224 and the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS)225 and their creation involved a huge number of scientists from a large range of institutions across a host of countries. Bioinformatics is a crucial aspect of marine biotechnology and involves the construction of databases on genomes, protein sequences; and complex biological processes. At present the storage capacity of these is becoming an issue as the rate of genomic sequencing increases. Databases can serve as a community resource and can contribute to the comparative analysis of species and annotation of genomes. Model systems encompass the detailed and focused study of model organisms to improve understanding of biochemical processes and identifying pathways for development and production. Whilst only a few model organisms are currently studied they are important for the development of industrial application of marine biotechnology. The technologies of importance to marine biotechnology are omics, metabolic engineering and systems biology, cultivation and bioengineering. With regards to omics technologies, genomics, metagenomics, and sequencing technologies are the most relevant to marine biotechnology and whilst there has been some advance in recent years, further development is needed in order for the full potential of marine resources to contribute to biotechnology to be fully realised and commercialised. Metabolic engineering and systems biology provide the basis for the production unique compounds as they deliver the link between metabolic pathways and genomics. Cultivation of marine microorganisms is notoriously difficult, and in some cases have proved impossible, but in order to produce bioactive compounds for further research and development specific cultivation techniques and methods are necessary. Socio-economic performance of other industries Environmental protection and depollution sector (bioremediation) Determining market values for industrial products and processes is not straightforward, especially when they relate to environmental protection. Furthermore it is difficult to break down the economic contribution of marine biotechnology beyond specific products. The bioremediation market is difficult to define because the occurrence and discovery of contamination in the marine and terrestrial environment is on-going. A recent analysis226 predicts that revenues for the marine coatings (including anti-corrosive, anti-fouling and foul-release coatings) industry will jump from USD 5 billion in 2011 to USD 10.2 billion in 2018 as shipowners look for ways to reduce fuel consumption and meet environmental regulations. It reported that companies are investing in developing eco-friendly products such as metal-free, anti-fouling coatings. Furthermore, it is reported227 that hull fouling can cost cruise vessels up to USD 500 thousand a year due to increased fuel costs. The socio-economic performance will be an area of focus for the sector review going forward. 224 225 226 Frost & Sullivan, Strategic Analysis of the Global Market for Marine Coatings, 227 Hull Fouling – the hidden cost, 2012, Eniram, Study in support of Impact Assessment work on Blue Biotechnology 159
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