Polymer/Compound produced Phospholipids and fatty acids surface active molecules Glycolipopeptide surface active molecules Exopolysaccharides complex surface active polymer Marine Microorganisms Myroides Properties Potential applications production. Good surface active agent Uncertain. Corynebacterium kutscheria Emulsification hydrocarbons of different Remediation of hydrocarbon polluted sites Emulsification and removers of pollutant metals and toxic elements means that they are useful in bioremediation Oil recovery and additional industrial uses These compounds are isolated from polluted marine environments after oil spills using several screening methodologies to isolate high and low-molecular weight BS and BE211. Biosurfactants produced by these microorganisms are then optimised and comparative studies are then conducted in laboratory conditions to show performance in a wide range of conditions by testing a number of measurements including surface tension/interfacial tension measurement212. Private biotech companies and university researchers are typically behind production of novel organisms and trials rely on actual oil spills in order to test effectiveness; Alcanivorax was trialled by a biotech company at the Gulf of Mexico spill with inconclusive results. Biotech companies will be involved in the research, development, consultation and manufacture of these products. Wastewater treatment Wastewater treatment is another area of bioremediation that marine microorganisms are utilised in for the removal of toxic metals including lead, cadmium and zinc through chelation213 from solutions214. Microorganisms produce exopolysaccharide (EP) that helps to remove/remediate toxic metal pollution; those isolated from deep-sea thermal vents have been shown to bind and remove these metals, other microorganisms also have a high binding ability towards monovalent and divalent ions or high uronic acid contents which increase EPS affinity for heavy metals. Chitin and Chitosan, extracted from crustacean such as prawns and crabs, can be used to remove potentially dangerous heavy metal ions from wastewater. Specifically, chitosan composites can be used as adsorbents to remove dyes in wastewater in areas of varying levels of pollution from synthetic dyes215. Environmental monitoring – biomarkers and biosensors Marine cnidarians, such as jellyfish, have auto-illuminating green-fluorescent proteins (GFPs) is increasingly used as a biosensor in research and industry to monitor gene expression216. Through fusing a promoter-less reporter gene such as gfp (encoding green-fluorescent protein) with a pollutant-response gene a microbial biosensor is created that will react to specific chemical 211 Batista, S. B., Mounteer, A. H., Amorim, F. R., & Totola, M. R., 2006, Isolation and characterization of biosurfactant/bioemulsifier-producing bacteria from petroleum contaminated sites. Bioresource Technology, 97(6), 868-875. 212 Kumar, A. S., Mody, K. & Jha, B., 2007, Evaluation of Biosurfactant/Bioemulsifier Production by a Marine Bacterium. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 79, 617–621 213 A particular way that ions and molecules bind to metal ions 214 Das, P., Mukherjee, S., & Sen, R., 2009, Biosurfactant of marine origin exhibiting heavy metal remediation properties. Bioresource technology, 100(20), 4887-4890. 215 Wan Ngah, W. S., Teong, L. C. & Hanafiah, M. A. K. M., 2011, Adsorption of dyes and heavy metal ions by chitosan composites: A review. Carbohydrate Polymers 83, 1446–1456 216 Hötzer, B., Scheu, T., Jung, G. & Castritius, S., 2012, Measurement of the copper concentration in drinking water based on changes of the fluorescence lifetime of the green fluorescent protein. in 8550, 855021–855021–10 156 Study in support of Impact Assessment work on Blue Biotechnology
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