The topic “Genetics” seems to be different compared to the other sectors, as the patents cover not only products but genetic modification tools as well. This serves as an explanation behind the strong results of DSM and Martek both of whom are active in directed enzyme evolution similarly to the academic players who dominate the field. Protection level: World patent– EU – National patents The profiling showed the importance of internationally filed patents (WO-patents, administered by the World Intellectual property organisation, WIPO). European inventors file internationally rather than using the national level. The importance of global patenting was recognised in the 1980, which is shown in the following comparison: 90% of patents until 1985 were filed as national patents. 135 patents out of these 189 national patents are from France. Most of the French patents were patented until 1950. After 1950, German inventors started patenting with main activities in the 70s and 80s. The total amount of patents in this period is low (212 out of 1774), but nevertheless it has influence on the overall distribution: If considering the patent file between 1986 and 2013, WO patents make 76% of all patents (see Figure 0.15). Figure 0.15 Distribution of patents across protection levels A few patents are from the US (134) and Canada (2) but were filed by more than one inventor including at least one inventor from a European country. In all cases, the majority of the “drivers” of those patents are from the non-EU-states. The distribution of the various protection levels according to topics is shown in the next figure. Study in support of Impact Assessment work on Blue Biotechnology 113

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