Country Sweden Israel France Germany Norway Denmark Switzerland Belgium Netherlands Other Total Number of public companies 25 23 22 13 9 8 8 6 3 17 165 Revenue (EUR m) 1,838 98 2,568 196 123 1,688 1,420 252 948 1,907 15,085 Revenue growth (%) -5% 61% 2% -11% 42% 4% -10% 47% 8% 48% 8% Market Capitalisation 31.12.2012 (EUR m) 4,623 1,509 6,052 1,473 1,157 7,342 4,584 2,648 3,226 10,664 59,073 R&D spending (EUR m) 477 84 431 134 37 428 460 158 109 359 3,627 Net Income (EUR m) 4 -111 -87 -193 -7 88 133 -58 62 -78 175 Looking with more detail at the different countries in Europe we can see that the biggest cluster of the biotechnology industry is in the UK (at least in terms of publicly listed companies). This is in most indicators and is showing a very healthy 10% revenue growth and the biggest net income (profit) in nominal terms. However, looking at the revenue growth the biggest growers were in Israel, Norway, Belgium and other smaller countries. At the same time Swiss, German and Swedish companies saw a fall in business with revenue falling. Blue Biotechnology The OECD has recently released its first publication on marine biotechnology with a very cautious approach concerning market value estimates, as no global figures has been produced, but only topical examples of the potential global market value of specific products126. As pointed out under section 2.2.1 according to a recently published sector review127 the Marine Biotechnology sector can reach a value of USD 4.1 billion (EUR 3 billion) by 2015 and USD 4.8 billion (EUR 3.5 billion) by 2018. Given these figures we can calculate that Blue Biotechnology contributes (at the moment) to about 2%-5% of the total Biotechnology industry128. Additionally, this means that in 2012 the size of the European Blue Biotechnology sector can be estimated to be between EUR 302 million - 754 million (in terms of revenues). In terms of end-use, healthcare/biotechnology constitutes the largest and fastest growing end-use segment for marine biotechnology.129 126 OECD, 2013, Marine Biotechnology: Enabling Solutions for Ocean Productivity and Sustainability, OECD Publishing. 127 Global Industry Analysts Inc. “Marine Biotechnology: A Global Strategic Business Report” 2011 128 Ecorys calculation based on triangulation of ratio of Marine biotech compared to the whole biotech industry in terms of revenue using table Ernst & Young; Biotechnology Industry report 2013 129 Global Industry Analysts Inc. “Marine Biotechnology: A Global Strategic Business Report” 2011 Study in support of Impact Assessment work on Blue Biotechnology 89
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