Table 0.27 Table 0.28 Table 0.29 Table 0.30 Table 0.31 Table 0.32 Table 0.33 Table 0.34 Table 0.35 Table 0.36 List of figures Figure 1.1 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Figure 2.3 Figure 2.4 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.7 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 Figure 0.1 Figure 0.2 Figure 0.3 Figure 0.4 Figure 0.5 Figure 0.6 Figure 0.7 Figure 0.8 Figure 0.9 Figure 0.10 Figure 0.11 Figure 0.13 Figure 0.14 Figure 0.15 Figure 0.16 Inventory of marine data centres in Europe Sub-sector specific barriers to marine biotechnology 166 169 Market application: What are the greatest challenges in bringing marine biotechnology applications into the market? (% of responses) Research and Innovation: What are the greatest challenges encountered in research? Inventory of FP6 projects relating to marine biotechnology Inventory of FP7 projects relating to marine biotechnology National initiatives and clusters EU initiatives and networks Regional and trans-regional initiatives and networks Stakeholder workshop attendees 173 174 177 177 179 180 186 189 Marine biotechnology Generic value chain of marine biotechnology The web of linkages from marine bioresources to industrial use Visual representation of the Blue Biotechnology sector in Europe Distribution of stakeholders by sub-sector Uses of KETs Capital raised by leading European countries in 2012 Number of projects relating to marine biotechnology under FP6 and FP7 European Commission financial contribution to FP7, FP6 and Horizon2020* Patents distribution across Blue Biotechnology sub-sectors Problem tree Objective tree Performance of European Biotech companies by size Distribution of stakeholders by country Distribution of stakeholders by institution type Distribution of stakeholders by industry sector Number of patent publications per year Comparative patent publications per sub-sector 1986-2012 Aggregated patent publications per sub-sector 1986-2012 Distribution of patents across sub-sectors Marine organisms as source for patents sorted per sub-sector Application field specific distribution of inventors by type of institution 2 5 6 11 Visual representation of stakeholder position in the marine biotechnology value chain 12 13 Links between the marine biotechnology value chain, marine research infrastructures and the data processing chain 15 21 24 43 44 49 60 62 88 92 93 94 The biorefinery concept from the US DOE National Algal Biofuels Technology Roadmap 96 101 102 103 103 Patent search results using the word “marine” in combination with keywords referring to organism/groups 104 105 Figure 0.12 Who is filing? Comparison between academia and industry with respect to patent filing Key players in marine biotechnology patents (blue: companies, green: private companies, white: research institutions, orange: universities) Distribution of patents across protection levels Protection level and patent area Study in support of Impact Assessment work on Blue Biotechnology 106 106 109 113 114

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