Corporate Governance REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS Directors’ interests In accordance with Section 275 of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, CAP C20 LFN 2004, Directors’ direct and indirect interests in the issued share capital of the Company are recorded in the Register of Members as at 31st December, 2016, and detailed opposite. Conflict of interest The Company maintains a Register of Directors’ Interests in accordance with the requirements of the Companies and Allied Matters Act CAP C20 LFN 2004. Powers of Directors Subject to the Articles of Association of Dangote Cement, prevailing legislation and any directions given by special resolution, the business and affairs of the Company will be managed by the Directors who may in good faith, exercise all such powers for and on behalf of the Company. Supplier payment policy It is the policy of the Company to agree and clearly communicate the terms of payment as part of the commercial agreement negotiated with suppliers and then to pay according to those terms based upon receipt of an accurate invoice. Trade creditor days for the year ended 31st December, 2016, were 94 days on average for the Company (2015: 80 days). Donations Donations, Sponsorship and charitable donations amounted to ₦0.5B (2015: ₦0.4B), as detailed on page 215. Dangote Cement’s social investments in Africa The Company regards the provision of social investment and charitable donations as an important part of its strategy to maintain good relationships with communities and other stakeholders in all of its operating locations across Africa. Some of our initiatives are conducted directly by the Company and its staff, some in collaboration with third parties and other organisations, while others are The Company pursues an active programme of investor relations with investor meetings and earnings calls throughout the year. Employees The Company reviews its employment policies in line with the needs of its business. Strategic employees are recruited to add value to the company and ensure high performance areas based on clearly defined performance indices. The Company continuously strives to improve its operations to ensure a safe working environment. Annual Report 2016 95 managed by the Dangote Foundation, which is a noncommercial and charitable organisation that focuses on empowerment, education, health and disaster relief on behalf of all companies in the Dangote Group. Sustainability Dangote Cement is committed to promoting sustainability. Concern for the environment and promoting a broader sustainability agenda are integral to the Company’s professional activities and the management of the organisation. We aim to comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice; integrate sustainability considerations into all our business decisions; ensure that our staff, clients and suppliers are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it and to minimise the impact on sustainability of all office and transportation activities. Our Approach to Sustainability is contained on pages 41 to 49. Corporate governance and investor relations Dangote Cement is committed to high standards of corporate governance and global best practice, both in Nigeria and countries where we have operations. Our focus at all times is recognition of and compliance with all laws regulating the business. The Corporate Governance Report details compliance with relevant legislation and relations with shareholders on pages 72 to 83, and forms part of the Directors’ Report.
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