Corporate Governance CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT Our ongoing shareholder engagement practices follow provision E.1 of the UK Corporate Governance Code to ensure regular and satisfactory dialogue with shareholders based on mutual understanding of objectives. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Company is the principal opportunity for the Board to meet investors and for me, as the Chairman, to explain the Company’s progress and to answer questions about the Company from shareholders. We encourage shareholders to take advantage of this opportunity. The Notice of Annual General Meeting is dispatched to all our shareholders, together with explanatory notes or a circular on items of special business, at least 21 working days before the Annual General Meeting is held. It is the Company’s practice to propose separate resolutions on each substantially separate issue, including a resolution relating to the Report and Accounts. The Board and senior management team of the Company are available for discussions with shareholders before the Annual General Meeting. The Chairmen of the Committees and myself are also available to answer shareholders’ questions during formal proceedings of the Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting to discuss this 2016 Annual Report will be held at the Civic Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos, at 11.00 on 24th May 2017. In last year’s Annual Report I said that I believed we had entered a new phase in the evolution of our corporate governance practices and structures, which would propel Dangote Cement into a higher level of performance and growth. I hope you will agree we took many positive steps to further improve our governance in 2016 and I hope the following pages, which outline the work of our Committees during the year, will be interesting and informative to you as owners of the Company. Aliko Dangote GCON Chairman Annual Report 2016 83

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