Financials NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2016 Group Currency Bank overdrafts Other borrowings Subordinated loans from Parent company Other loans from Parent Company Loan from Bulk Commodities Inc. Loans from Dangote Oil Refinery Company Power intervention loan Short term loans from Banks Long term bank loans Nedbank/Standard Bank Loan Total borrowings at 31st December Company Currency Other borrowings Subordinated loans Loans from Parent Company Loan from Bulk Commodities Inc. Loans from Dangote refinery Power intervention loan Short term loans from Banks Total borrowings at 31st December The maturity profiles of borrowings are as follows: Group Company Due within one month Due from one to three months Due from three to twelve months Total current portion repayable in one year Due in the second year Due in the third year Due in the fourth year Due in the fifth year and further Total long-term portion of loans and borrowings Total 31-Dec-16 31-Dec-15 ₦’million 6,699 3,071 194,220 203,990 19,145 16,111 41,111 76,108 152,475 356,465 ₦’million 3,353 4,104 29,183 36,640 97,032 7,036 36,395 67,866 208,329 244,969 31-Dec-16 31-Dec-15 ₦’million 406 250 175,440 176,096 2,625 2,625 27,625 53,307 86,182 262,278 ₦’million 406 250 25,878 26,534 92,625 2,625 31,985 54,149 181,384 207,918 Nominal Maturity on interest rate Naira Naira USD Naira Naira USD MPR +1% MPR +1% MPR +1% demand 31-Dec-16 ₦’million 12/2019 12/2019 6% On demand 12/2017 7% 07 & 12/2021 6% 2017 29,998 46,097 1,004 130,000 12,496 42,683 262,278 31-Dec-15 ₦’million 29,989 146,200 657 - 14,661 16,411 207,918 Naira Naira USD Naira Naira USD CFA Rands MPR +1% MPR +1% MPR +1% Nominal Maturity on interest demand rate On demand 12/2019 12/2019 6% On demand 12/2017 7% 07 & 12/2021 6% 8.50% 9.95% 2017 07/2021 11/2022 31-Dec-16 31-Dec-15 ₦’million 6,292 ₦’million 2,947 29,998 46,097 9,794 130,000 12,496 47,604 24,028 50,156 350,173 356,465 29,989 146,200 657 - 14,661 19,163 - 31,352 242,022 244,969 Annual Report 2016 199
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