Financials CONSOLIDATED AND SEPARATE STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST DECEMBER, 2016 Profit for the year Other comprehensive income, net of income tax: Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: Exchange differences on translating net investments in foreign operations Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss: Remeasurement of defined benefit plan Other comprehensive (loss)/income for the year, net of income tax Total comprehensive income for the year Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to: Owners of the Company Non-controlling interests 28 31-Dec-15 ₦’million 181,323 31-Dec-16 ₦’million 368,205 Group Company Notes Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended 31-Dec-16 ₦’million 186,624 31-Dec-15 ₦’million 213,171 100,701 - 100,701 287,325 (25,254) - (991) (26,245) 155,078 - - 368,205 - (991) (991) 212,180 294,632 (7,307) 287,325 165,474 (10,396) 155,078 368,205 - 368,205 212,180 - 212,180 The accompanying notes on pages 150 to 212 and other national disclosures on pages 213 to 215 form an integral part of these consolidated and separate financial statements. Annual Report 2016 145
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