Corporate Governance COMPLIANCE WITH SEC DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS Overview At Dangote Cement, we aspire to maintain high standards of corporate governance, both at Board level and throughout the Group. Increasingly, good governance includes the consideration of our impacts on society and the environment and whether we are operating in a sustainable way. We aim to comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practice as they relate to sustainable operations. We will integrate sustainability considerations into all our business decisions, ensure that our staff, clients and suppliers are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy. SEC’s Code of Corporate Governance For Public Companies Dangote Cement should pay adequate attention to the interests of its stakeholders such as its employees, host community, the consumers and the general public. Dangote Cement should demonstrate sensitivity to Nigeria’s social and cultural diversity and should as much as possible promote strategic national interests as well as national ethos and values without compromising global aspirations where applicable. Dangote should recognise corruption as a major threat to business and to national development and therefore as a sustainability issue for businesses in Nigeria. Companies, Boards and individual directors must commit themselves to transparent dealings and to the establishment of a culture of integrity and zero tolerance to corruption and corrupt practices. We are committed to implementing and improving the Sustainability Policy across all office and site activities. In commitment to this, we aim to comply with the provisions of the SEC’s National Code of Corporate Governance (‘the Code’) throughout 2017 and will progressively act in accordance with the Code’s Sustainability provisions highlighted in Section 28 & 32 respectively. Compliance by the Company with each principle and provision of the Code on Sustainability Issues is set out below. Dangote Cement Compliance Statement • We recognise our commitment to our employees and workforce. As a result, we strive to respect the dignity of our employees and their rights to decent working conditions. • We aim to have community stakeholder engagement plans in place which will allow us implement our journey development. towards sustainable • Dangote Cement is committed to fighting bribery and corruption in all high – risk countries where we operate. • We have an Anti–bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy which is part of the overall Anti–Fraud Compliance Programme. It aims to align with all relevant acts, codes, laws, guidelines and policies designed to prevent, detect and respond to issues of corruption and bribery. • The Policy demonstrates the Company’s zero tolerance for all forms of fraud including but not limited to bribery, corruption, asset misappropriation and financial statement fraud. • Details of this has been included in the Corporate Governance Section of the Annual Report. Annual Report 2016 129
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