OUR PARTNERS Our Campus communities On many of our campuses, we've been fighting for students and the public interest for forty seven years. We want to thank the faculty and administrators who help orient our new volunteers to the rich history of PIRG on their campus. We'd like to thank all of the student government leaders who signed emergency letters in support of federal open textbooks funding, passed resolutions and bills in support of the public interest, and encouraged students to support PIRG as dues paying members. A big thank you to the facilities, cafeteria, and other staff who's hard work allowed us to book rooms, get into our offices late at night when we forgot our keys, and kept our organizers fueled on the fourth 12 hour day of voter registration. Finally, we want to thank the literally thousands of professors who not only teach students how to be effective citizens in their classrooms, but go above and beyond by sponsoring course credit internships and allowing us to educate their students through class announcements. our Coalition partners We want to thank all of the members of the Students Learn, Students Vote coalition for their tireless efforts to institutionalize civic engagement on college campuses. Our work around single-use plastics has been amplified in ways we couldn't imagine because of the Break Free From Plastics Movement. Every environmental campaign we consider running is first work-shopped by our friends at Environment America and our 100% renewables campaign wouldn't be possible without them. We don't just like them for their name, we appreciate every opportunity we have to work with our friends at U.S.PIRG. Finally, we want to thank the Bridge Alliance for their pioneering work to forge a new post-partisanship politics. STUDENT P I RGS | 25 We're extremely proud of the work we've accomplished in the 2017 - 2018 school year. It was only made possible by the generous support, patient guidance, and sharp expertise of our countless campus, community and national partners. There are too many to list everyone by name, but know that we are grateful to you all.
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