SHILOH TODAY 18 Feature Story 22 06 God's Handiwork Shiloh Christian School seeks to educate students through a biblical worldview. We have continually aimed for excellence in all areas of biblical teaching including the sciences. Shiloh teachers are passionate about showing students God’s hand in the beauty of creation, the intricacy of the human body, the vastness of space, and the ability of the mind to think critically and creatively. Our students receive hands-on training in labs and field experiences as they study hydraulics, human cadavers, motion and so much more. Shiloh graduates have gone on to be successful in careers within medical, engineering, and technology fields. Science and Christian education have gone hand in hand for over 48 years. Shiloh is a special place. Within our walls, we can grow in faith and knowledge in the same classroom. We can explore both the temporal and eternal together as God’s design. We can see and discuss the great love of our Heavenly Father as we discover the works of His Hands. Psalm 8:3-4 says, “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them.” As we explore the world around us, we are humbled and grateful that such a powerful and almighty Creator would choose to love and care for us. As we enter the 2024/2025 school year, we have a fresh calling to pursue excellence in all we do, in the classroom, in worship, on the court or field, on the stage, and in our service. May our faith grow as we learn more about who He is and seek to glorify Him in all we do. Sincerely, Alicia Brown, Class of 2000 Director of Admissions 2 CONTENTS 16 21 30 Contents 04 Campus News 06 Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Samantha McClain 08 Fine Arts 10 Science Department 16 GME Trips 18 Feature Story: Dr. Bradley Reed, M.D. ONLINE EDITION FACEBOOK @ShilohChristianSchool
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