Dominican Republic Trip 2 Living out the Great Commission Shiloh Global Mission Experience Dominican Republic S hiloh’s Global Mission Experience (GME) gives students in twelfth grade the opportunity to travel on one international or domestic trip. These trips are life-changing and impactful for our seniors. Since 2002, 1,466 students have participated in GME trips to places like China, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Peru, and Mexico. The objectives of a GME trip are to evangelize the lost, to encourage and equip fellow believers around the world, to expand the student’s understanding of the Kingdom of God, and to expose the students to the possibility of God’s call to missions for their lives. Biblical integration begins in preschool and progresses throughout elementary and into secondary where they have a Biblicial Studies class each semester. These courses are designed to give students a solid Biblicical foundation and help students defend and share their faith. The GME trip combined with the World View and Philosophy senior level class, is the capstone to a student’s biblical integration experience at Shiloh Christian and a key component of their education. 16 GME TRIPS
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