NICELAND SEAFOOD Icelandic seafood items Iceland is a nation built on fishing. To this day, Icelanders are deeply connected to the sea, and they have profound respect, and a strong incentive, to preserve their marine resources. Iceland is setting a precedent for sustainable fishing with strictly monitored catch quotas and industry-leading innovations. At Niceland Seafood, we fully embrace these values of connection, sustainability, and traceability for all the fish we sell. • Established in 2018 in Reykjavik, Iceland, with our U.S. headquarters in Denver, Colorado • Shipped fresh to 12 major U.S. markets • Integrated data from sustainable Icelandic fisheries, producers, and shipping partners built into our proprietary TraceabiliT™ app Niceland Seafood is the first turn-key provider of fresh Icelandic fish to offer full traceability from “sea-to-pan.” We are working hard to transform, educate, and add transparency to the seafood industry. We ship all our fish with a unique TraceabiliT™ QR (Quick Response) code that once scanned with a smartphone, interactively visualizes the path of all of our fresh seafood products from their source to the customer. See what boat caught your fish, where, and even what flight it was on to Denver! • All our groundfish species are MSC certified and sustainably caught and processed locally in Iceland, and sourced primarily from day-boat fishermen • Niceland’s Arctic charr is rated a “Best Choice” by the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch and raised in pure water with no hormones or antibiotics • All Niceland Seafood products are packed in 100% recyclable CoolSeal™ boxes Niceland Seafood Product List: • Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) • Icelandic Pollock (Pollachius virens) • Atlantic Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) • Icelandic Ocean Perch (Sebastes marinus) • Arctic Wolffish (Anarhicas lupus) • Icelandic Flounder (Pleuronectes platessa) • Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus) • Icelandic Cusk (Brosme brosme) 24 FINFISH KEY: = SUSTAINABLE = LOCAL = USA

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