Cover to Cover SANDUSKY LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S UPDATE We are excited to announce that the Library was recently awarded two grants for early literacy. Sandusky Library was selected as one of 44 libraries to receive a LSTA grant from the State Library for summer reading. The grant will be used to create "Outreach Adventure" Kits that align with the Ohio Department of Education standards and will be used to provide educational programs partnering with local organizations. Themes for the Kits include Adventures in Money, Adventures on the Great Lakes, Adventures with Roller Coasters, Adventures with Johnny Appleseed, Adventures with Fairytales, Adventures in Architecture, and Adventures on the Farm. Following summer reading, these kits will be used during outreach visits to schools throughout the academic year. Sandusky Library is one of only 300 public libraries across the country to receive a Thinking Money for Kids Program Kit from The American Library Association (ALA) and the FINRA Investor Education Foundation. The kits are comprised of a collection of programming resources to offer financial education for children ages 3 to 12, expertly designed by educational media specialists and vetted by children’s librarians and financial literacy experts. Libraries were chosen through a competitive grant process for this first-of-its-kind program. The kits will include materials to host five children’s programs based on school curriculum themes, featuring financial literacy experiences with performance, financial simulations, collaborative game play, and money math. Each kit contains Playaway Launchpad tablets pre-loaded with digital content that aligns with the in-person programming. During the Juneteenth celebration at Jackson Street Pier on Wednesday, June 19, the Library will feature a history walk exhibit displayed on the Pier. Lange Trust of Sandusky Library will sponsor FREE tours of the Underground Railroad sites in Sandusky conducted by Firelands Adventure Tours. Tours will last 20 minutes and depart from the Pier. This year's Summer Reading Program, Adventure Begins at Your Library, starts June 3rd for all ages. We hope you join us for this annual event and keep reading all summer while earning chances for great incentive prizes. Molly Carver Executive Director Shredding Event Saturday, May 11, from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Do you have old bills, tax forms, or important papers you would like shredded? Bring them to the parking lot of the Library to be shredded for free by Firelands Local Secure Document Destruction. SUMMER 2024 VOLUME 32, ISSUE 2 Find our Black History in Sandusky exhibit and children's story walk on Jackson St. Pier during Sandusky's Juneteenth celebration. all people opportunities to enrich their lives.
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