K T • • hese last few years have been overwhelming and stressful for many of us. During this time it’s easy to neglect your physical and emotional healthcare needs. To help you stay on track, I have written your personal 2022 health prescription to assist you with identifying areas you can work on throughout the year. Make an appointment with your primary care provider for your annual physical exam and preventative health screenings. During your annual visit you can be screened for high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and cancer. I know that during this pandemic it’s easy to overlook the importance of routine healthcare. But, early detection is key in the treatment of many diseases. Update any vaccines appropriate for your age and medical conditions.It’s important to remember that there were vaccines before covid. We have many effective vaccines to protect you from various diseases including tetanus, pneumonia, shingles, influenza, hepatitis,meningitis, cervical and penile cancer. Begin a healthy eating plan. We all • have different food preferences, tastes, and nutritional needs. Everyone will benefit from decreasing their sugar intake, limiting processed foods and unhealthy fats. Try to find creative alternatives for unhealthy foods and do not be afraid to experiment with new ingredients and recipes. Set realistic goals for a regular • exercise program. A body in motion stays in motion. You are more likely to do things you actually enjoy, or at least do 6 eeping your GOOD ADVICE health in check Contributing guest columnist Dr. Cassandra Suggs is a Family Medicine physician at the Metropolitan Family Care on East Main Street and have been a resident of Reynoldsburg for 27 years. Make 2022 your year to stay healthy not hate. Try different activities until you find one that works best with your lifestyle and personality. It is recommended that you exercise for 30 minutes 5 days a week. You can break this up into 10-15 minute segments throughout a day. It’s easy to become frustrated if you do not get the same results as others. Do not feel discouraged and keep moving. Evaluate your emotional well-being. • Ongoing stress can be detrimental to your mental and physical health. Identify your triggers for stress and what relieves your stress. This will help you to develop skills you can use to cope with life’s challenges and maintain a healthy emotional balance. Give yourself permission to talk with someone you trust such as a family member, friend, physician, pastor or mental health professional if you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious or are having any thoughts of suicide. Monitor the quantity and quality of • your sleep. The purpose of sleep is to allow your body to rest and prepare for the next day. It is important to know that the quality of your sleep is just as important as the length of time you sleep. It’s recommended that you sleep seven to nine hours each night. If you wake up frequently throughout the night or still feel tired in the morning, there is hope. Contact your health care provider to discuss evaluation and treatment options. If you use tobacco,”Be A Quitter.” Any form of tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, or vape devices, have a negative impact on your health. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of dying from all causes. Exposure to secondhand smoke contributes to sudden infant death, lung disease and cancer in nonsmokers. No matter how long or how much you have smoked, quitting smoking can have lifesaving health benefits. Practice safe sex. Take time to • • become educated about your sexual health. If you enage in any high risk sexual behaviors, it is important to protect yourself and your partner. Practicing safer sex and regular screening for sexually transmitted diseases is an important part of your healthcare prescription. Assess your alcohol intake. Current recommendations are for no more than moderate alcohol use. It’s never recommended that individuals who do not drink alcohol begin to drink alcohol based on these guidelines. Females should drink no morethan seven drinks a week and males should drink no more than fourteen drinks a week. If you drink above the moderate drinking guidelines you may increase your risk of injury,violence, and chronic health problems, including liver disease and some types of cancer. Nurture positive social relation• • ships and have fun. We often overlook this essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Be intentional about spending time with people you enjoy being around. Be aware of negative relationships that can drain your energy. All work and no play can be extremely stressful. Remember to have fun and do things that makeyou smile.I know this is a lot of information for your health prescription. You do not need to do everything to have a positive impact on your health. Set realistic goals. Try just one or two of these suggestions at a time until they become part of your regular routine then gradually add more of these healthy habits. Reynoldsburg Magazine • Spring, 2022

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