DISTRICTS AND ZONES Regulations found in the Insight Districts that are unique to both zones include: • Transit supportive development standards: Walkways connecting streets to buildings and locating buildings or pedestrian plazas close to transit stops can set up development to accommodate future transit. • On-site facilities for pedestrian, bike, and vehicular travel: Standards for bike parking and pedestrian access, particularly within 1/4 mile or not more than 1/2 mile of a transit stop. • Adjusted regulations for nonconforming buildings and uses: Leaves the nonconforming section of the zoning code intact on nuisances but more lenient on improvements and adaptive re-use. • Right-sized application fees: Fees are adjusted to reflect the policies of the community. If infill and suburban retrofit is a priority, fees in those environments should are less. • Adjust front setback regulations:. Amend front setback regulations to specify setback ranges instead of just minimums. • Reduced parking requirements for affordable housing: The reduction depends upon the urban/ suburban context and public transportation access. • Reduced minimum parking requirements: Requiring more parking than is necessary is a financial barrier to development, wastes site area for parking, and increases impervious surface. 40
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