DISTRICTS AND ZONES (g) Roofing; 1) Plastic or PVC roof tile; or 2) Nontraditional colors such as orange or purple. (2) Roof Forms i. Permitted roof types include gabled, hipped, shed, barrel vaulted, flat, mono-pitch, and domed. Applied and partial (less than 3 sides) mansard roofs are not typically permitted but may be permitted at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Administrator based on compatibility with the surrounding context, size, mass and scale of the structure. ii. Shed, flat, and mono-pitch roofs shall be concealed with parapets along the street frontage, except on porches, balconies, or building extensions. iii. Downspouts and gutters should be galvanized steel, aluminum, or copper and shall match in materials and finish. iv. Roof penetrations shall be hidden or painted to match the color of the roof. v. Skylights must be flat to the pitch of the roof. They shall not be located on any sloped roof facing the primary frontage (3) Windows and Doors i. Any commercial or mixed-use building elevation facing a street, waterway, or public space shall include a minimum of 40% of transparent fenestration (windows and doors) on the ground floor and 20% on upper floors. Apartment Houses shall conform 38 to these requirements as much as possible, however the minimum percentage of transparent fenestration on the ground floor may be adjusted at the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Administrator. It shall not be reduced to lower than 30%. ii. Proportion and Details (a) Windows shall not be flush with exterior wall treatments. Windows shall be provided with an architectural surround at the jambs and header, and a projecting sill. (b) Window openings may be grouped horizontally, but trim between windows shall be at least 3.5 inches wide. This does not apply to storefront windows. (c) Facades should have several window sizes with smaller ones above. This is particularly important when buildings rise more than 2 stories. (d) Thin mullions or muntins shall be required on windows larger than 2 feet in any direction, except for shopfronts. The depth of the mullion shall not be less than the width. (4) Architectural Details i. Shutters: Shutters shall be sized and placed so as to equal the width that would be required to cover the window opening. Operable shutters are preferred. ii. Column Bays: Columns and piers shall be spaced no farther apart than they are tall. Column bays shall be of equal and precise proportions.
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