REYNOLDSBURG ZONING CODE TABLE 1103B ALLOWED LAND USES AND PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Permit Land Use Type Required by Zone ORD-N MANUFACTURING / PROCESS / INNOVATION Manufacturing - Artisan P MEDICAL Medical - Clinic Medical - Office PERSONAL SERVICES Personal Care and Beauty Services RECREATION Studio - Art Studio - Gymnastics/ martial arts RESIDENT AND CHILD CARE Child Day Care - Center Child Day Care - In Home SALES AND EXHIBITION Antique Shop C 80 percent of goods must be 30 years or older or have collectible value. Gallery - Art Retail - Boutique Garden Center TOURISM / VISITING Overnight Lodging - Bed and Breakfast Overnight Lodging - Boutique Hotel P C Fewer than 30 rooms P P C C C C The purpose of this section is to: (1) protect and enhance the Olde Reynoldsburg Commercial District’s (ORD-C) unique aesthetic character; (2) support high quality streets and public spaces; P P (3) encourage architecture that blends harmoniously with the natural surroundings and neighboring development; (4) safeguard property values and long-term economic assets; and P P See 1105.13(G) See 1105.13(H) (5) carefully preserve the character the District’s historic character while permitting appropriate growth. (6) B. Intent and Applicability These design guidelines shall apply to non‐residential development in the ORD‐N and ORD‐C and are not intended to stifle innovative design or creativity. Instead, these design guidelines are intended to serve as the minimum standards applicable to non‐residential development to ensure that new development and redevelopment satisfied the purposes of the Olde Reynoldsburg Districts as described herein. These design guidelines shall be applied by the Planning Commission in conjunction with its review of applications for Certificates of Appropriateness as described under Chapter 1109.21 hereof. C. General Standards (1) Size, Mass and Scale: The scale of 35 Specific Use Regulations Allowable Use Conditional Use P C VIV. Design Guidelines for Olde Reynoldsburg A. Purpose
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