SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS SECTION 1111.13 STREET LIGHTS A. Design and Layout. The design and layout for the street lighting, the underground wiring and other pertinent equipment to be used shall be designed by a registered engineer, and approved by the City Engineer. i. All energy lines leading to the light standard shall be underground in new developing subdivisions. ii. All street lighting designs are to be coordinated with the supplier of electric energy. Two drawings for each street lighting layout shall be submitted to the supplier of electric energy for record purposes. iii. Street lights using poles and light assemblies as shown on standard drawings R-46 and R-47, respectively, are to be installed with not less than 160 feet spacing nor more than 240 feet spacing. Street lights using the alternate residential luminaire and pedestal pole, as shown on standard drawing R-46A, are to be installed with not less than 125 feet spacing nor more than 160 feet spacing. Street lights shall be installed alternating on opposite sides of the street. iv. The alternate residential luminaire and pedestal pole detail, as shown on standard drawing R-46A, shall be used in all residential areas. The pole detail and light assembly (commonly referred to as a “cobra light”), as shown on standard drawing R-46 and R-47, respectively, shall be used in all commercial corridors, unless otherwise approved by Council through adoption of streetscape standards or other such action to permit consideration of alternative styles, or as may otherwise be approved by any other Board of Commission having jurisdiction to approve or permit the use of alternative styles as part of its review of an overall design concept. v. The drawings are specification sheets for street light standards, luminaries, mercury vapor lamps and pedestal termination points and will be available at the Director’s office. vi. All connections to supplier of electric energy secondary service locations shall be made by supplier. B. Lights to Be Installed. Any person, firm or corporation desiring final acceptance of a street, shall, before final acceptance is granted, have the street lights installed and ready for use. C. Maintenance of Lighting Is Responsibility of City. It shall be the responsibility of the City to secure the energy for lighting and to maintain the installations. D. Damages to distribution system. Any contractor or agent for the developer, while in the process of installing street lights, who damages the distribution system of an electric energy supplier shall be liable for such damages and for any other cost as a result of such damages, and the energy supplier may charge and receive payment for such damages from the party responsible. E. Completion Bond Required. If conditions are such that street lights cannot be installed prior to the acceptance of the streets upon which street lights are to be installed as required in Section 1111.13, the person, firm or corporation requesting acceptance of such streets shall deposit with the City Auditor an amount of cash or collectable funds, or a performance bond in form satisfactory to the City Attorney equal to one and one-half times the estimated cost of the installation of street lights as security for the installation of such lights, which installation shall be completed within six months of the date of 216

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