SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS easement(s) shown on the final plat. The easement shall be granted at no expense to the television cable owner/operator, if the cable operator installs the necessary television cable and television cable equipment in the utility trench during the time the trench is open for the installation of other utilities. Otherwise, the owner, developer or City may revoke the offer of an easement. B. A final plat shall also contain: i. A certificate by a registered professional land surveyor that the plat represents a completed survey and that the monuments shown exist as located or will be set following construction and that all dimensional and geodetic details are correct. ii. Notarized certification by the owner or owners of the adoption of the plat and the dedication by them to public use of the streets and other public areas shown on the plat. The signatures of the owner(s) are required prior to the obtaining of any City Official’s signature on the plat. No property shall extend to the center of a right of way. iii. Proper form for the approval of the Planning Commission with space for the signature of the Chairman. iv. Space for approval by signature of the City Engineer and Director of Public Service. v. Proper form for approval and acceptance by Council, showing ordinance number and provisions for signature by the Clerk of Council. vi. Space for approval, by signature of the City Engineer and Director of Public Service, of easements added to or revised on the final plat. vii. Space for transfer by the County Auditor and recording by the County Recorder. A statement of the expiration date of the City approval shall be placed just ahead of the space provided for the County Auditor’s signature. viii. A topographic survey prepared by an Ohio registered professional surveyor using the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) reflecting flood way, floodway fringe, base flood elevations and property lines of the plat under consideration for development. C. Copies to be filed with Clerk. One (1) copy of the final plat showing all approvals and the date and place of recording shall be supplied by the owner to the Clerk of Council. D. Copies to be filed with Clerk. One (1) copy of the final plat showing all approvals and the date and place of recording shall be supplied by the owner to the Clerk of Council. i. The subdivider shall not transfer any lot, parcel or tract of a proposed subdivision, until approval is received of the final plat. ii. The subdivider shall not proceed with any construction work on any lot until approval is received of the final plat and compliance is made with all other provisions of the Subdivision Regulations, unless it is for the exact purpose of building model units. The subdivider may be granted a building permit for not more than two units, in the case of single family detached housing and not more than one building of eight units or less, in the case of townhouse for sale or condominium housing, providing the following conditions have been met: 1. Proof of ownership of that portion of subdivision to be used for models; 212

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