REYNOLDSBURG ZONING CODE SECTION 1109.23 ZONING MAP (REZONING) AND TEXT AMENDMENTS A. In conformance with the provisions of the City Charter, ordinances or resolutions establishing, amending, revising, changing, or repealing zoning districts, uses, regulations, or other provisions of this Zoning Code shall be initiated by a member of Council. B. Any person having an interest in property in the City may petition City Council to initiate such ordinance or resolution by making an application to the Planning and Zoning Administrator. The Planning and Zoning Administrator shall review the application for compliance with the provisions of this chapter and forward it to the Clerk of Council. C. The Planning Commission may recommend amendments, revisions, changes, or repeals of zoning districts, uses, regulations, or other provisions of this Zoning Code. When the Planning Commission makes an advisory recommendation to City Council, the application requirements and fees shall not apply. D. When a person or persons having an interest in a lot or lots in the City petitions City Council for an amendment to the Zoning Code which involves changing the zoning district assigned to the lot(s), then such petition shall be made in the following form which shall be known as the development plan, unless such requirements are waived by City Council: i. Correct legal description of the lot(s); ii. The names and addresses of the owners of lot(s) contiguous or directly across the street from the subject lot(s); iii. Existing topography at two-foot (2 ft.) contour intervals of the subject lot(s) and extending at least three hundred feet (300 ft.) outside of the proposed lot, including lot lines, easements, street rights- of-way, existing structures, trees and landscaping features thereon; iv. The proposed vehicular and pedestrian traffic patterns; v. The location of all existing and all proposed structures; vi. The proposed assignment of use and subdivision of land including private land and common land; vii. Preliminary plans of all structure types; viii. Deed restrictions and protective covenants; ix. A schedule for construction; x. Traffic impact study; xi. Utilities impact study; xii. Drainage impact study; and xiii. Such other relevant information as City Council may require to determine the propriety of initiating the ordinance for district change. E. In conformance with the Charter, subsequent to initiation by a member of Council of an ordinance or resolution establishing, amending, revising, changing, or repealing zoning districts, uses, regulations, or 201
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