COMMON REGULATIONS iii. Approval of Preservation Zones. Preservation Zones shall be approved in accordance with the following procedures: 1. The Planning Commission shall have the authority to approve a preservation zone for a subdivision and/or a planned district. This approval shall occur during the preliminary plat stage and shall follow the procedures set out in Chapter 1111. The Planning and Zoning Administrator may recommend to the Planning Commission the location of a preservation zone. 2. Preservation zones shall become part of the final plat or final development plan for subdivisions by the Planning Commission and approved by Council. Preservation zones shall become part of the site plan that is part of the certificate of appropriateness approval. iv. Protection of Preservation Zones. 1. Before any activity, clearing, and/or construction begins, the entire preservation zone shall be enclosed with at least three foot (3’) high orange construction fencing to prevent any access to the area. Such fencing shall protect the root systems of vegetation within the preservation zone. The fencing can only be taken down for an individual lot when an occupancy permit has been issued for the structure on the concerned lot. The fencing shall remain on the undeveloped lots until occupancy permits are granted for each lot. 2. Said preservation zone shall not be disturbed any time before, during, or after said construction except for necessary access as approved by the Planning and Zoning Administrator. 3. No permanent or temporary structure, building, or fence shall ever be placed upon, in, or under said preservation zone. 4. Utilities and roadways in preservation zones may only be installed consistent with an Environmental Plan and/or Mitigation Plan. 154

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