COMMON REGULATIONS J. Parking Area Landscaping Standards. i. Parking lots containing more than six thousand (6,000) square feet of area or twenty (20) or more vehicular parking spaces, whichever is less, shall provide interior landscaping of the peninsular or island types of uncompacted, well-drained soil that contains a minimum of six inches (6”) of top soil mix, as well as perimeter landscaping. TABLE 1105.07C - CREDIT FOR EXISTING TREES (IN AGGREGATED INCHES) CALIPER AT FOUR AND HALF FEET (4.5’) ABOVE GROUND 20 total inches 13 - 19 total inches 8 - 12 total inches 2 - 7 total inches NUMBER OF TREE CREDITS 4 (equal to 4 trees) 3 (equal to 3 trees) 2 (equal to 2 trees) 1 (equal to 1 trees) ii. For every ten (10) parking spaces or fraction thereof, the applicant shall provide not less than two hundred (200) square feet of interior landscaped parking lot areas containing at least one (1) tree with a minimum diameter of two inches (2”) and four (4) shrubs. iii. The minimum landscape area permitted shall be two hundred (200) square feet with a minimum planting width of ten feet (10’). iv. In order to encourage the required landscape areas to be properly dispersed, and to break up large expanses of parking, no individual landscape area shall be larger than five hundred (500) square feet in size in vehicular use areas less than thirty thousand (30,000) square feet and no individual landscape area shall be larger than two thousand (2,000) square feet in vehicular use areas over thirty thousand (30,000) square feet. Individual landscape areas larger than above are permitted as long as the additional area is in excess of the required minimum total. v. All parking lots shall provide perimeter landscaping. Parking lots shall have perimeter landscaping of a minimum width of ten feet (10’) exclusive of vehicle overhang. The perimeter landscaping shall consist of a continuous evergreen hedge, evergreen trees, earthen mound or a combination thereof as required to provide a continuous opaque screen, a minimum of thirty-six inches (36”) in height, within one (1) year of installation. The perimeter landscape shall also contain a 150
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