COMMON REGULATIONS (c) Over fifty thousand (50,000) square feet: a total trunk diameter of twenty inches (20”), plus one inch (1”) of trunk diameter for every four thousand (4,000) square feet over fifty thousand (50,000) square feet or fraction thereof. 1) All office uses, institutional uses, convalescent and nursing homes and child daycare facilities, including related parking, loading and trash storage areas: (d) Up to nineteen thousand and five hundred (19,500) square feet: one inch (1”) in trunk diameter for every fifteen hundred (1,500) square feet or fraction thereof, with a minimum of two inches (2”) of total trunk diameter. (e) Nineteen thousand, five hundred and one to forty-nine thousand and five hundred (19,501 - 49,500) square feet: a total trunk diameter of thirteen inches (13”), plus two inches (2”) of trunk diameter for every two thousand (2,000) square feet over nineteen thousand and five hundred (19,500) square feet or fraction thereof. (f) Forty-nine thousand, five hundred and one (49,501) square feet and more: a total trunk diameter of twenty-five inches (25”), plus two inches (2”) of trunk diameter for every three thousand (3,000) square feet over forty-nine thousand and five hundred (49,500) square feet or fraction thereof. ii. Existing healthy trees and shrubs shall be preserved and incorporated into the overall site and landscape design to the maximum extent practical as determined by the City. Existing trees may be credited toward minimum tree planting requirements as follows: 1. Existing trees, which are preserved, may be credited toward the tree planting requirements of this section according to Table 1105.05A - Credit for Existing Trees. Tree credits shall be given as long as all other provisions and the intent of this Zoning Code are met. Fractional caliper measurements shall be attributed to the next lowest category. 2. No credit shall be given for existing preserved trees that are: (a) Not located on the actual development site; (b) Not properly protected from damage during the construction process; (c) Prohibited species under the caliper size of thirteen inches (13”) measured at four and one-half feet (4 ½’) above the ground; or (d) Dead, dying, diseased, or infested with harmful insects. iii. In order to apply for credit, existing trees must be protected during construction. All existing trees shall be protected by the placement of an orange construction fence around the perimeter of the tree/trees. In order to protect the root system of the existing trees, said fence shall be installed at a minimum radius from the trunk. The minimum shall be one foot (1’) of radius per one inch (1”) of caliper of the tree. (ex. On a six inches (6”) diameter tree, the fence shall be placed a minimum of six feet (6’) from the trunk of the tree.) iv. No new tree plantings shall be required if existing trees to remain on the site after development, and the aggregate trunk sizes of such trees, meet or exceed the requirements as set forth above. v. Any combination of existing and new trees may be used to meet the requirements of this section. I. Property Buffer Requirements. 148
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