PARTING SHOTS Splash! PARTING SHOTS Reynoldsburg Magazine Photo The Ballet of Tennis Reynoldsburg High School Senior Skylar Hogan makes tennis look so easy and graceful in this unusual photo captured recently at a high school tennis match. Skylar is a doubles player on the high school varsity team. Reynoldsburg Magazine Photo This is Chris Shook, Reynoldsburg’s City Attorney. We caught him at the highly successful 2021Tomato Festival. We have no word about the recipient of the tomato he heaved. Our neighbors, our friends The Reynoldsburg Area Chamber of Commerce recently hosted a luncheon inviting the Bhutanese and Nepali business community to share cultures, communications, business and living in Reynoldsburg. In the above pictures, left, Mon Phuyel, of Yeti Express is shown with Chamber of Commerce Board member Christine Boucher; in the center, pharmacist Dr. Chandra Sinchuri of WellCare Pharmacy is chatting with a chamber participant; on the right, Dhana Poudel, of Laxmi Threading and Spa is shown with Chamber Board member Cindy Music. (Photos by Reynoldsburg Magazine) Reynoldsburg Magazine Photo 38 Reynoldsburg Magazine • Fall, 2021

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