GOOD ADVICE Keep it clean and simple by Kiki Cicak Caines an you imagine living a life free of envy? It’s difficult. We grow up bombarded by media images so beautiful we can’t help but want what others have. There is so much to buy, see, and do. How can we ever be satisfied? In particular, the perfectly staged homes we see on tv can make us feel inadequate beyond belief. Thankfully, there is a simple solution to that gut-wrenching feeling and like all things of balance in nature the solution can be found in the envy’s opposite – Gratitude. Gratitude unleashes a powerful force that not only helps give you the energy to better care for what you have; it also results in the one thing everyone wants – to feel happy. Abundance in life is all a matter of perspective. If you had a studio in Paris with a view of the Eifel Tower you would definitely appreciate it however tiny it was. We may not have the Eifel Tower here in central Ohio but we do have beautiful sunsets and moonlit nights just like Paris. Here are some tips to appreciating and enjoying the home you have. Keep it clean, simple and manageable. A few years back I read Marie Condo’s book “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. I had always enjoyed a thorough cleaning instilled by my mother who insisted we spend every Saturday morning cleaning. We would reward ourselves with a lunch at the old Swenson’s restaurant and books from the bookstore at the mall. It was the best feeling to sit on a Sunday morning reading my book in a perfectly clean bedroom. Marie Condo’s book takes cleaning and organizing to a whole new level. The premise is simple really - she recommends you only keep items that spark joy. By ridding your life of items that make you feel guilt, resentment, shame etc. clears massive amounts of clutter and results in a Reynoldsburg Magazine • Fall, 2021 life that is lighthearted and free. It truly is a life-changing book. Bring nature into your home. Add light and life to your home! Houseplants are insanely popular right now and for good reason. Not only are they beautiful, they are beneficial to improving the air quality in your home and help create a Zen-like atmosphere. I also find that taking care of a plant results in a sense of accomplishment and encourages you to slow down. Curb appeal matters I don’t mention curb appeal because we want to impress neighbors or we want our home to be worth more – both may be true but more importantly I recommend a visually pleasing entrance because the front of your home is the first thing you see and can induce a feeling of peace or anxiety. When I come home after a long day and I see an overgrown lawn, my garage a mess or an untidy front porch it immediately stresses me out. But if I come home to a kept yard, a terracotta pot filled with blooming geraniums and swept sidewalks I feel as you should feel when you arrive home – at peace. Engage your family in the discussion on how you want your home to look and feel. With a little bit of elbow grease, vision and an attitude of gratitude you can turn it into your very own castle. Photo Courtesy of Proven Winners Kiki (Cicak) Caines returns to Reynoldsburg Magazine this fall. She is a Reynoldsburg High School graduate and is now the owner of Fisher’s Gardens on Route 256. 31 and managable

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