Embracing The New Normal Reynoldsburg Magazine’s Essay and Photo Contests Calling all Reynoldsburg writers! What does it mean to return to normal? What are the joys and challenges? We’d like to hear about your experience via the written word. All stories will be read by a panel of judges selected by Reynoldsburg Magazine staff and the winning stories will be published in Reynoldsburg Magazine’s Spring, 2022 issue. • Submissions should be no more than 400 words. • Only one submission per person. • Poetry, fiction and short essays are acceptable • Identify yourself and your category • Three categories: Adult (18 and over) Young writer ( 13-17) New writer (12 and under) • Please submit writing in the body of an email or Word doc. or docx with 12 pt. font. • Top three stories will appear in the Spring, 2022 edition of Reynoldsburg Magazine with the expressed permission of the entrant. • Submit your entries to Reynoldsburg Author Jen Knox at jen@unleashcreatives.com • DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: JAN 29, 2022 Reynoldsburg Magazine • Fall, 2021 • Send your submission with the subject line text: Contest Entry: “Your Title” After close to 24 months under the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have all grown in ways we never imagined before. For some people, time has stood still and for others, you will never be the same. We would like you to interpret what it means to go back to normal. Break out your camera and illustrate your feelings. Winning photos will be judged by panel of judges selected by Reynoldsburg Magazine staff and the winning images will be published in Reynoldsburg Magazine’s Spring, 2022 issue. ENTRY GUIDELINES • Photos are being accepted in a digital file only: Maximum size 1600 x 2400 pixels, 300 dpi Minimum size 800 x 1600 pixels, 72 dpi • Submissions will be limited to two per person • Two categories: Adult (18 and over) Youth (5-17) • Submit entries to Janet Adams at photodog@janetadamsphoto.com • Winning entries will be published only with the expressed permission of the entrant. • DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: JAN 29, 2022 11

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